The Doctor

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"Hey, Blake, wake up."

I wake up to Lex gently shaking me.

"Come on, we're going out to get something." She said.

"How long have I even been out?" I asked

"Just a few hours. It's going on lunch."

"Okay, you want me to wake up Sim?" I asked.

"No," She said "It's just gonna be me you and Jack. We'll be leaving soon, wait for me outside."


I get up, grab my bag, and head to the car where Jack seems to be waiting.

"Hey little dude." He says.

"Hey, you drivin'?" I ask.

"Nah, I'm ridin' my Harley."


"Okay guys let's go, we should be back before sundown." Lex said approaching us.

"Okay." I said and hopped in the car.

We drove into the city and stopped at a dollar store.

"The door's not budging. Looks like an electronic lock." Lex said.

"Not a problem." Jack said.

Jack hurled a big rock at the glass and it shattered to pieces.

"Okay we're in, be careful of da glass." He said.

We walk in and Lex tells me to go with Jack. Jack leads me to a rack where there's gloves and hats. He picks up a black beanie with cat ears on top of it. He puts it on my head.

"Great it fits. You look adorable." Jack says.

"It's so kidish though."

"Come on it's cute. Plus I'm sure Sim will like it."

"Really?" I ask.

"Totally." He says.

"Okay I'll keep this one. It's not even fall yet why are we here?"

"Just wanna be prepared. Don't wanna have to get dis stuff last minute when we don't even know if it will be safe to get in da future."

"I guess that makes sense."

We grabbed gloves and hats for everyone and put them in our bags. We also grabbed what little food they sold at the store.

"Okay you guys got what we needed?" Lex asked.

"Yea." Jack said.

Down the aisle, behind Lex I could see the huge window we broke to get in. Outside the window I could see a woman holding a small child.

"Guys, look." I said pointing at the woman.

Lex started to walk towards her and we followed.

"What's your name?" Lex asked the woman.

"Cristine," She answered.

"Is that your kid.?" Jack asked.

"No, his mom died not long ago. She was too sick for me to do anything. I'm a doctor... or at least was."

"Really!? Well... Did you wanna come with us? We have a place, a group." Lex said.

"Lex we can't trust her. We have no idea if she's lying or not."

"I swear I'm not lying." Cristine said.

"We can't bring her back... Don't you remember what happened last time. What happened to Marie. What if it was me or Blake or Heart this time."

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