Chapter 1

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*Warning: this chapter includes bullying*

Year 2017...

Austin's pov

Hi I'm Austin Hope Scot. 15 years old, born in March 9,2002, 9th grade and a nerd. Gay nerd to be exact. I have a dark black hair, yellow-black glasses, I'm 170cm tall, only child and I'm completely single my wholelife. My day at school wouldn't even start unless I'm bullied by Ace Hunter with Johnny Lee, Kai Matthews, Ross Stocks, Steve Lander, and Jake Rodriguez. I heard that he is training for boxing with no special reason, his girlfriends only lasts for 3 days and I never heard that he likes boys which is really obvious. I never actually experienced him hitting me that hard and I don't even want to feel much more pain about this. While I'm currently getting beated by these people, it doesn't affect me that much now than 2 years ago. I don't exactly know the reason why I caught their attention. I guess top students have it hard as well, huh? When they were done, I quickly stood up, grab my stuff and ran to the classroom. As I sat down, Professor quickly notices the cuts and bruises in my face. I pulled my sleeves down as I hide the bruises that were made last week.

"Mr. Scot, Hunter again?" our professor asked as he raises his eyebrows

"Yes sir," I nodded slowly

"Kindly go to the clinic, just see me later for notes."

"Okay sir," I quietly stood up as I bowed and walk out the classroom. While walking down the hallways, I bumped my head on to someone's back as my glasses fell down. "Ow," I groaned. I crawled down and try to find my glasses. When I finally found my glasses, my whole world stopped when I look up. My heart won't stop skipping a beat as I meet Ace's eyes. I'm feeling a bit... Astonished when I saw the clear side of his face. He's a good-looking guy after all and this feel a bit weird.

"Watch where you're going, nerd." He glares and I quickly averted my eyes. I started panting as I question myself why is my heart beating so fast? "Hey! You okay?" He was about to touch my head but without thinking, I suddenly slap his hand. My eyes widen as I started trembling and I look at him again.


"Did you just slap my hand?" He grabs me by the collar as he pulls me up and slammed my body on the locker. I trembled much more as he glared at me. He suddenly drop me and watch me trying to stand up. I put both of my hands on the floor to support myself from standing up but he suddenly kick me and step on right hand. Tears streamed down my face as soon as I heard cracking sounds.

"Ahhh!" I shouted from the pain then he stopped "Hm," he smirks.

"I-I'M SORRY," I quickly ran and go inside the clinic. I closed the door and was about to greet good morning. But then I noticed that the nurse isn't here so I walked towards the bed and slowly lie down. "Shit!" I groaned as I try to move my hand. I gave it a rest then put my other hand above my eyes as I think about what happened earlier. Why the hell did my heart skipped a beat as I looked at Ace? I sighed as I try to figure everything out. Suddenly, I heard the door opening as I see Kai walking in. "Kai," I sighed in relief. Kai and I are actually childhood friends but I chose not to interact with him that muc at school because maybe it might affect his relationship with people. I smiled at him but my heart suddenly dropped when I saw Ace whose right behind him.

"Austin, sorry but I blurted out that we're friends." he chuckles "Oh yeah the punch I made this morning... Does it hurt?" Kai said while walking up to me. He sat beside the bed as I slowly sat up. He caressed my cheek as he checks the other part of my body.

"What kind of question is that?" I asked. Kai is really caring when it comes to me. At first, he didn't want to leave me but I insisted since he's too popular. I told him to act that he doesn't know me since a timid guy like shouldn't be with a popular guy like him. "Uhhh yeah, of course it did." I said. He ran to the table and get the first aid kit. He once again sat beside me as he took out a cotton, bandage, and alcohol. "Ow!!" I shouted while he pours alcohol on my wounds and put bandage on my hand. "Can you please be gentle for once?" I said. But how did he know though?

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