three - little mama

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I walked Noel back to her house, my arm around her shoulder with Nick following close behind us. I'm glad to have her back in my life. When I went to juvie, a lot of shit was going on with us at the time. She's not my girlfriend, but I'll make her mine someday. She's still my bestfriend, she always will be whether we're on good terms or not.

We reached her front porch and I let her go. I grabbed her hand as she walked up the steps but didn't let go when she reached the top. She looked back down at me with concerned eyes. I let a smile form on my face as I kissed her cheek and walked across the street back home with out saying a word.

"You must really like her," Nick said as we walked through the front gates.

"Nah, I love her," I replied before walking into the unusually quiet house.



Waking up the next morning was not pleasant at all. When Carl told me to meet him last night, or this morning I mean, I wasn't expecting for all of that to happen and it honestly wore me out. I've always wanted it to happen, but I never thought it would. I never thought he would admit all of that to me.

Yeah, sure, before he went to juvie we kind of had a thing. However, I thought it was just a little faze, liking my bestfriend and all.

It's so weird calling him my bestfriend anymore because Tucker is my bestfriend. Carl is more like my crush, I guess. Or maybe not... I don't know!

I shook the thought out of my head as I sat up to get ready for the day. Tomorrow is Monday and I still have some homework to do. But, I'll do that at the last minute like I always do.

I grabbed a hair tie off my dresser and jogged to the bathroom across the hall. The door was closed and I knew it was my dad that was in there because my mom never wakes up this early on the weekends. She has a job, but doesn't have to go in until 2:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday. However, my dad has to be at work in 5 minutes.

I lightly knocked on the door and whisper yelled, "Dad you're gonna be late. Stop feeling yourself." I love teasing my dad. Especially about his looks because, honestly, my dad is very handsome and he knows it. I caught him one time just staring at himself in the mirror when I was little and I've teaded him about it ever since. He doesn't mind because he knows I'm joking, but I still do it anyway.

"Shit, you're right," he whispered as he opened the door, looking down at his phone.

"Yeah, I know," I joked, giving him a sarcastic smile. He rolled his eyes at me. "So, Carl's back." I blurted out. It's not like I could just not tell my dad. He's my dad, I tell him everything. Mostly because he understands really well. A lot of the stuff I've gone through in my life so far, he's gone through too.

"Is he? I thought he had a few more months left," my dad asked. My dad never disapproved of Carl. Mainly because he's known Carl since he was born. My mom and dad went to school with Fiona and lived really close to her house. Carl is two months older than me. That's how our families go.

"He got out on good behavior. Don't know how he pulled that one off," I joked. My dad's eyes widened, not believing it either. "He's got cornrows and thinks he's black, now."

"God," he chuckled. He looked at the time on his phone again. "Shit, sweetie, I really have to go. I love you," he planted a kiss on my forehead and rushed downstairs and out the front door. I slid into the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and began brushing my teeth.

When I was finished, I washed my mouth out with water and walked back into my room. I tried not to make too much noise closing my creaky door, careful not to wake up my mom. She's honestly the sweetest person I know, unless you wake her from her slumber, kind of like me but worse.

I opened my closet and pulled out a long sleeve, blue striped shirt and a pair of blue jeans. I'm dressed more casual than I usually would be. But, I don't have anyone to impress, so who cares? I threw on some mismatch socks and a pair of black leather boots.

I never eat breakfast because I'm never hungry in the morning. I usually just wait until lunch to eat. So, I grabbed a water bottle and sat on the couch ready to turn on netflix when someone knocked on the door. I let out a long groan and got up to see who it was. I got to the door and turned the doorknob, pulling the door open where there stood Carl and his friend Nick.

"Hey, little mama," Carl smirked, leaning against the door frame. That nickname made me want to gag.

"Please, don't call me that," I sighed. "What do you want Gallagher?" I stepped out the door a little bit.

"Got some business to do, wanna come with," he asked, with that cocky ass smirk on his face.

"Oh, your drug business? No thanks, I'm good," I rolled my eyes at the fact that he's still in that shit.

"Come on, baby girl, just picking up a package. Besides, it's not drugs this time," he stated, still not losing the smirk he had planted on his lips.

"Carl, no. I don't care what it is. You need to get out of that shit before you get yourself hurt. Or worse, killed," he just chuckled and looked away. "I'm serious, Carl. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't throw it away." Carl met my eyes once again and his face softened a little.

"Look, I'm just picking something up. Come with me. I promise it's not dangerous," he tried convincing me. I started to give in. I really want to spend time with him, but when it comes to his 'business', I just don't know.

"Why should I," I crossed my arms, trying to stall.

"Because you love me," that cocky smirk of his appeared back on his face, making me blush.

"Fine," I finally gave in. "Just let me grab my jacket."

"Hurry up, little mama," I heard him say just as I turned to walk upstairs and grab my jacket. I told him not to call me that. I guess he still likes to do the exact opposite of what I say, huh? That could come in handy.

I grabbed my navy blue jacket and threw it on while grabbing my phone and a pocket knife I always keep under my bed for emergencies. I decided that I would text my mom in a few and tell her I'm going to be out with Carl.

I jogged back downstairs and out the door where Carl was still standing.

"'Bout time," he groaned. "You ready to go, little mama?"


a/n: i just realized how short this chapter is so i might update again later today :)

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