(9) Plots and Plans

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After getting off the phone with Alexa, I picked out a few books to read that kept me up until it was time for breakfast. I could hardly look at my bed without remembering my nightmare. Once morning came, I trudged down the stairs to the dining hall to eat. I thanked each Omega who helped me before sitting down next to Arnold and sluggishly digging into my food. He almost didn't notice my exhausted state, he kept rambling about how cool he thought Marcus was.

The day droned by. My usual posts were a breeze, and I easily coasted by into lunch time. That was when my plan would begin to fall into place. Contrary to the morning, I sped through my lunch in order to get outside as soon as I could.

There, coming through the tree line along the path to the pack house, was a beautiful bright blue hard top convertible. Sitting in the drivers seat, brown hair billowing behind her, was Alexa. I was overjoyed at he sight of her, and I ran down the huge front steps of the pack house to meet her at the edge of the road. As soon as she put her car in park, she was up flinging her arms around me in a huge bear hug.

"Aaa!! It's so good to see your face again! I was afraid you were mad at me for some reason, but I'm so glad you're not."

"I could never be mad at you! Not for long, at least." We giggled at my small joke. "Anyways, I'm so glad you managed to get in your visitation request in time! Now we can get our plan in order asap."

Alexa and I unloaded all of her bags from the car. I helped her up the stairs and to my room, telling any Omegas who offered that we didn't need them to assist us. Once we had gotten situated, we both plopped onto the bed to chat and discuss strategy.

"So. First things first, I need you to tell me ALL about what's happening. What is so significant about the girl who got killed, for example. And also, who is this Marcus kid? Is he- oh! Oh! Is he your mate?! Are you guys mates?!! That's so exciting Raven OHMI-"

"Alexa, you're getting ahead of yourself. Marcus is just a friend, we are definitely not mates."

"Awww..... sorry, and sorry." I scrunched my nose up.

"I wouldn't want Marcus to be my mate. He's so mysterious, I don't know hardly anything about him and he isn't really giving me any hints. Anyways, my actual mate is kind of a touch subject. I don't really like talking about it, so let's just say things aren't really good. More like, bad. We haven't even spoken and he's practically... you know." My head dropped a little with sadness.

"Oh my gosh, Rav I am SO. SORRY. That sucks so bad." Alexa put her hands on my shoulders and gently squeezed, a kind and reassuring gesture.

"Yeah... a-anyways, on to the significance of the murder. The other day on my guard duty I discovered the body of a young Omega with a huge black wolf standing over her. And what makes it worse, she looked so similar to me we could have been related, if not twins." Alexa's face slowly shifted to a shocked expression. She was about to say something, but I cut her off. "Not only that, but I had a really strange dream last night before I called you. I was walking along the hallways in this huge white nightgown when I was suddenly attacked. I ran for a long time to find help, but there wasn't anybody there. Finally I reached a weird ominous door, but before I could open it I was practically killed by this massive dark figure."

"Um, Raven. I get you want to keep this from becoming a huge deal, but it seems to me like you should take this info to one of the Alphas, or at least this Marcus kid."

"Alexa, you know I can't. That's why you're here! Who else can I trust to help me carry out my plan?" Alexa rolled her eyes, but nodded in agreement. "Alright. Let's grab some figures to represent people and places... here."

I got up from the bed and walked over to my book shelf. I grabbed two books, a bookmark, and four hair ties that I had left there. From there I cleared a space on my bedside table to set up my map. The two books represented the levels of the pack house that we would be using, the bookmark was the training grounds, and the hair ties each represented a different person.

"Ok. Now, I'm the blue hair tie. You're purple, Marcus is black, and Sasha is brown. Alphas give off a sense of power, so it's easier to track their movements compared to other ranks. Sasha's assignments are known to all the warriors. That leaves you and me. If we can time it right, we'll be able to get the information we need to figure out when the attacker will strike next. Tomorrow I'll be starting my new assignment as fill in for the girl who died, so it'll be up to you to get a feel for how things will work. Do you think you can handle it?"

Alexa looked up from where I was messing with the hair ties and books. Her eyes were filled with a mixture of confidence and happiness as she nodded. I had no chance of winning by myself, but now that Alexa was here I knew we had a fighting chance.

Hello Readers!
I hope you enjoyed these updates! I'm going to be posting two more juicy juicy chapters this weekend, so please make sure to vote, comment, add to reading lists, and share to get the word out! Thank you so much for all of your feedback, I love reading everything you have to say about my book! Let me know what you think might happen next in the comments 💗😊

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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