Chapter 10 - Art

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"He's 26, Mama... he knows what he is doing... no, I don't think she bewitched him,"

Tania rolls her eyes and chokes the air with her free hand.

"How can you hear someone rolling their eyes? Is that even possible?" she teases her mother. "Let him enjoy the girl. If she isn't worth it, that is something he needs to decide for himself,"

Tania nods repeatedly. I'm finding the situation very amusing. We had arrived to the discount store when she received her mom's call. Since the moment she answered she has barely gotten a word through. When she does it's either to defend someone or calm her mother.

After a good ten minutes more she says good bye to her mom and throws her phone in her purse.

"I'm sorry Devin. My mom gets a bit upset whenever one of my brothers gets a new girlfriend,"

"How many brothers you have?"

"Two. Both younger than me. This time the middle one, Rick, is bringing grief to her life with a new puta. Her words, not mine,"

I laugh heartily. Tania's mom sounds like a handful.

"What does your dad think about the situation?" I ask.

"Who knows? He has cleverly built a shed in the backyard for some carpentry projects. None of them are finished and I doubt they ever will be. But it provides him with a shelter when she is on nagging mode,"

On perspective, having awkward Stephen in my life isn't so complicated. We message often, eat lunch together every few weeks, and he doesn't bother me. I met with his lawyer and have started a revision request of my parental rights case with the court.

"What about your parents? Do they also call you to complain about the family?"

Her question takes me by surprise. Tania is very open about everything, and I'm not used to sharing information about myself.

"I... my mother... I never knew her," damn, that came out odd.

Her mouth forms an 'o' in surprise.

"She passed away a few days after I was born. A blod clot in her brain,"

"Jeez, so your father raised you alone?"

"I didn't know who my father was until a few years ago. I had no family and spent my life in the foster care system,"

Her eyes widen in horror. Probably she only knows about the negative stuff; kids neglected, abused.

"I didn't have it bad and my foster parents were nice to me. The only thing that bothered me was the uncertainty of how long I was going to stay with a family,"

Tania is visibly embarrassed.

"It isn't a big deal. Really," I place my hand on her arm to reassure her. "I never lacked attention or even affection,"

"What about your brother?" she asks.

"Tony is my brother by choice, not blood. We've been friends for a long time, and before I met my father he was my only family,"

"Sometimes I don't think when I talk. Everything is a big blah," she makes a throwing up gesture. "Or I talk too much,"

"I don't think you do. I only talk too little. Tony, on the other hand, talks for five,"

"He sounds like fun," Tania smiles and relaxes.

"Like a party in a box. Talking about parties. What are we doing here?"

Tania grabs a shopping cart instead of a basket, then pulls a small notebook out of her bag.

"As you know, next Saturday we have the arts and crafts themed party. We need supplies,"

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