Chapter 4

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(Don't play music until written)

It was around 4 o'clock and the gang,were gathered in the training room.

Jace and Ayden were practicing sword fighting, And doing pretty well. Clary was practicing throwing daggers and butterfly knifes into targets and Layla and Izzy were doing flips

"Iz I think that's enough flips, lets do some hand- to hand," but Izzy ignored her,

"Alright guys," said Izzy, getting everyone's attention (she and clary had been suspiciously whispering in a corner for a while) "I think it's time for some entertainment,"

"Entertainment meaning...... What exactly?" asked Ayden

"We are going to have a duel with those wooden sticks" she said

"Yeah" said Jace "And layla should play for our side" he said smiling slyly.

"Why me?" moaned layla

"Oh yeah, and she should duel against Alec from our side," said Clary in a teasing tone, 

"NO!" said Alec and Layla at exactly the same time.

"Well that settles it then, you are having a duel" said Izzy smirking.

"Everyone choose sides, this will be a friendly match between the Layla and Alec ie. London and NYC institutes.

(Start music now)

"Let the duel begin" says Izzy sounding quite excited.

Layla twirled the stick in her hands and stepped onto the mat. Alec jabbed at her shoulder but she fainted left and rolled back, flipping his hair back and standing up. She stood up and spun, just as Alec jabbed again, which would have caught her in the stomach if she hadn't been as quick as she was.

Layla ducked and swung the sick at his stomach and then kicked his knees which gave way almost immediately.

Layla kicked him and he groaned, "Okay, I give in" he yelled, layla stopped, flushed and breathing heavily. Alec held out his hand for her to pull him up. Layla grabbed it, ready to pull him up, but Alec yanked her down on top of him with all of her strength; grabbed the stick out of her hands and rolled on top of her holding the stick to her throat. The gang gasped.

She looked up into his dark blue eyes and he stared down smirking; and she kneed him hard in the stomach (ha you didn't see that coming), snatching the stick from his hands and rolling on top of him, holding the stick tp his throat and pinning him down.

After a second, she got up, pulling Alec up after her andJace started clapping then, Ayden, Izzy, Jace and clary and Cameo.

"Since when did you learn how to fight like that," whispered Ayden,

"Well that was entertaining," said Isabelle smirking slightly, "now we must get ready for the party," she said clapping her hands together; and the room went silent.

"What party?" asked Ayden, sounding slightly worried?"

"Oh Magnus invited us to some party of his and he said her wanted to meet you guys,"

"Do we have to go?" moaned Alec

"YES" snapped Izzy "Now all of you, get lost and have a shower; you all stink," she said,

"Thanks a bunch" said Jace under her breath

"Any time hon" said Izzy smiling sweetly

"Now all of you, GO "she ordered

Cameo and Layla trudged miserably o their neighbouring rooms.

"What are you two going to wear?" asked Izzy coming over

"Oh I don't know," said layla sighing "probably some black ripped jeans, a t-shirt and some trainers,"

"Ditto what she said" Cameo mumbled.

"You most certainly are not!" said Izzy,

"No downworlder or shadowhunter would be caught dead in jeans and a t-shirt at a party!" she said pulling us into her room and handing us each a black dress barely more than a t-shirt and handed them each a pair of 7inch heels but this time they declined

"No thanks Iz, we'll take the dresses, but we'll wear our own heels because we can't walk in anything over 5 inch, thanks anyway though," said layla and Izzy shrugged " meet me back here or hair and makeup once your dressed and showered.

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