•Mike Wheeler•(1)

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You circle around the neighborhood on your bike, where you just moved, your parents keep on moving because of work, promotions and such.

You spot four boys cycling and laughing together, you decided to make friends. Which isn't really your specialty, but you gotta try, atleast.

You cycled your bike nearer to them, "Hi." You softly greet, the boys stop laughing and look at you.

A pale boy catches your eye and you stare him down for a bit. "Hello, I'm Mike, and these are my friends. Will, Dustin and Lucas." He says, gesturing towards his friends.

A small boy, a dark skinned one, and a boy with a cap on. They smiled at you. 'I'm (y/n). I just moved in." You introduce yourself.

"Oh, what grade are you on?" The small boy, Will, asks. "I'm supposed to attend Hawkins School, I'm on the eighth." You smile sweetlt. It was going pretty well, your awkwardness deteriorating.

"We are too!" Dustin enthuses, "I hope we have the same classes." "Yeah, I'll see you guys around." You wave.

"Wait!" You turn back around.

"Do you.. Maybe wanna join us? We're playing D&D at my place." The boy named Mike shyly says, a pink tint on his pale cheeks.

"D&D? I guess I've heard of it before. But I haven't actually played it yet "

"So is that a yes?" He asks, "Definitely." You grin.

"Follow us then."

im sorrie if dis kinda sucked the next chapter will be awesome i swear now imma be real fancy add the word count down below⬇ ♡.♡


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