Not an Update

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Hey guys, I posted this question on my profile a while back and wanted to hear thoughts on it. Nothing is confirmed but I thought working on one of these books might be a good way to help me laugh. Let me know which one you would prefer to see.

Recently (and not recently) I've gotten a few requests to do books based around the Line Breaks as well as Sparks and Blitz (Those of you who have read my DP x GF crossover will know what I'm talking about). I have seriously considered making books on them but only if people really want them. So I am asking, which book would you more like to see become a reality?

'Meet The Line Breaks' or 'Sparks and Blitz: Tales Untold'

Also, the next update is on it's way. I'm taking my time with it because it is a major chapter and I want to be sure it's perfect (well... as perfect as I can make it) Thank you so much for you patience! Next update will be Chapter 25! See you all in the next one!

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