Team crafted

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Shelby's pov-
I wake up to see Jess awake. I get out of Cory's bed and walk over to her. "Hey you ok?" I ask her cause she wasn't looking all happy.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just you guys look so happy and yet I can't live a day in the same room with Adam."
"Oh I'm sorry." I hug her. "Are you going to try to avoid him?"
"I can't we train together."
"Oh yeah I'm sorry. But you know what will make you feel better?"
"Let's jump on him." I point at the sleeping Cory. She nods and we walk over to him. I count with my fingers. 1. 2. 3. And we jump on him. He pushes us off and groans. Me and her run away. I walk back over and jump on him again. "Wake up sleepy head."
"I don't wanna!"
"We have to train today."
"Ugh fine." He gets up and throws me on the other side of the bed. I run back over to Jess.
"Don't you feel much better now?" She shakes her head. "You'll feel better at some point."
"I hope." We walk to my clothes. We grab outfits and we go into the bathroom to change. When we are changed we walk out of the bathroom and grab Cory. We walk out the door to where we will eat breakfast.
"Distract Adam away from Jess for a little please." I whisper to Cory.
"Ok and why?"
"I explain later." He nods and then we arrive at the kitchen. We walk in to see only Adam. He looks up and sees us. Me and Jess walk to the other side of the room and Cory walks to Adam.
"So who you like more?" Jess asks me and I freeze and blush.
"W-what do you mean?"
"I mean you have two guys to choose from."
"Shhh shut up."
"Why what else could we talk about?"
"Let's make a plan. I'll ask you what you think of Adam. You say I thought I liked him but I'm not sure anymore or something. And we'll see what happens." I whisper to her. She nods. "So Jess what do you think of Adam?" I ask loud so Adam can hear me. He looks over at us.
"Well I honestly don't know anymore I thought I liked him a some point but I don't know anymore." She says back.
"Oh ok." I reply. I look at Adam and he looks heart broken. I think he likes her back.
"So what do you think of Cory huh?" She says to me and I freeze. "Aw does Shelby have a boyfriend?"
"No I do not does Jess?" I say back to her. And she freezes too. We both laugh and see max and Ross walk in. I blush when I see max. Then Barney and red walk in. I hear an explosion outside. I run out side to see what happened. Everyone is outside looking and I see Adam with shock in his face. "What's wrong Adam?!"
"T-t-that's my old crafted."
"That's right Adam now you gonna come back to us?" Some one who looked like chewie said.
"No never Jerome you and the others can leave! You guys are not wanted here!"
"Oh why so sour Adam we miss you." A guy with a black and red flannel on said.
"No Mitch. You never cared."
"Oh hello Adam I see you have gained new friends." I know this guy. It's Nick. (I know he isn't a part of team crafted but whatever.)I grab Cory's hand.
"N-nick!?" Cory said nervously.
"C-Cory w-what are you doing here?" Nick asked.
"I-I can't do this I are you doing this!?" He yelled the last part.
"Oh why to destroy the next eight of course."
"I am one." He says. "I thought you were my friend now I see differently." He let's go of my hand and shoots right at Nick. He hits him but he doesn't die.
"We are friends Cory."
"No we are not anymore. Friends don't kill each other nick. They protect each other." Nick looks at him then looks around. I see he is staring strait at red.
"Red you too?"
"Yeah." Red says and then creates lightning above nick and team crafted. I use my light power to make it last longer. "And if you wanna fight. A fight is what you will get." Me and red nod at each other and run super fast to nick and team crafted. Since light is super fast and so is lighting we have super speed. I shoot light at them and he shoots lightning. And before you know it we were back with the others.
"We will be back!" Nick says as they all leave.
"Now let's go eat." I say walking back inside.
"I didn't know you guys had super speed!" Max says.
"Oh yeah we forgot to tell some of you." I say and giggle. "Can we please eat now?"
"Yeah we can." Lizzie says behind me. "Wow you took care of them fast good job."
"Oh don't worry if I know nick he will do his best to come back stronger." Cory says next to me.
"I just can't believe team crafted is back." Adam says.
"Me either." Ross says.
I had to add them. It was something I just had to do. Sm;]e more!

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