·{ A Chance Ruined }·

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Evan's POV

The guys and me had hung out all day, eventually meeting up with Brock, Brian, Marcel, and Luke at the local park. We had stayed there for a good hour or two before deciding to head to the beach.

The beach here was nice and thankfully it wasn't very popular, especially since school isn't out yet. You'd think it'd be the perfect time for adults to come out and be adults, but a lot of them work their asses off all day. A lot of people work on weekends and it tends to take up their whole day, even during the week.

Our city is quite boring actually. Too many working people.

It gives us, the teenagers, freedom though. In all honesty sometimes that's a bad idea.

"Evan. Evan. Evan. Evan. Evan." Lui repetitively said as he tugged on my arm. I looked over at him questioningly and he points to the group who were already walking on the sand.

"Whoops." I offered Lui a smile which he returned. I took off my shoes once I stepped in the sand and I raced Lui to the group.

I won.

"Alright!" I shouted, catching everyone's attention, "we got a shark living in those waters and we gotta kill 'em," I begin, a few of the guys cracking up, "BUT to decide who the shark is we will have a race...last one to the water is the shark!" I shout and bolt for the water, hearing laughing behind me as well as the faint sound of sand being thrown into the air by feet.

I leap into the cold water and instantly shiver. Bouncing a bit to warm myself up.

Next one to make it to the water was Luke, followed by Marcel, Lui, Brian, Brock, and then David. Tyler and Craig were holding hands, walking along the beach instead of playing the game, as for Jon he sat on the sand, watching us.

I wonder why he isn't joining us.

"Ok, David you're the shark! This is like a game of tag, tag us we become the shark." I explain.

"But I thought you said we were killing the shark..." Marcel pointed out and I furrowed my brows. Had I said that?

"Ok...well...then..." I took off my shirt, "game of keep away. This is the symbol of the shark. The person holding it the longest wins. Please don't lose my shirt." I hand the shirt to David, mainly saying the last part to him. "Go!" I shouted and David instantly bolted away from everyone else.

I would've joined in, but I was more concerned with Jon. I approached him, taking a seat in the sand next to him.

"Why aren't you playing?" I question, he doesn't look over at me, choosing to watch the others chase each other. Surprisingly, David was still the shark.

"Well, first of all: I'm afraid of water. Second: My stomach hurts, and third: I have too many bruises and cuts to take off this damn sweater." The last thing he said brought my mood down. I had forgotten about what he has to deal with.

"Oh." Was all I could muster as a reply. I turned my attention to the game, Luke was the shark now.

I saw Jonathan look me up and down through the corner of my eye, this bringing a smile to my face for I could tease him about it.

"Like whatcha see?" I smirked and he just hummed, surprising me. I thought he would have punched me in the arm or denied it. He just hummed. What does a hum mean?!

"Is that a yes? No? Maybe so?" I questioned and he just chuckled. How does a chuckle answer my question? Oh that's right — it doesn't!

"Tellll meeee." I drew out, resting my head against his shoulder, "am I hot?" I asked, trying to hold back laughter.

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