~Ch.9 The Spell~

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Sam held the rose in his hand. It felt weird to hold it again, apart of him was scared to hold onto it. Sensing his discomfort, Taurtis offered to hold it, which Sam had no objections to. The three made it back to Ellen's and from there they quickly traveled to their other house.

"Ellen, how much further?" Sam whined.

"Not that much further actually," Ellen smiled.

"Really?!" Sam sped up down the path.

"Sam! Wait for us!" Grian yelled at him.

"Let him go, Grian. He's close to being free from this stupid flower," Taurtis reminded him, "He can be excited."

Sam stopped in front of a small little cottage. It didn't like it had many rooms, maybe only one or two. Possibly three, if it was laid out correctly. Sam glanced back at the others, "This it?"

Ellen rolled their eyes, "I know it doesn't look like much, but you don't need a lot of room to do magic."

"Yeah Sam, I thought you would know stuff like this," Grian teased.

Sam pretended to be hurt, "Gosh, I was just checking."

They all got inside the house and Ellen began to get to work. Setting up all the things they needed to preform the spell, positioning them all over the room. The others were help occasionally, but Ellen knew what to do, so hey mainly just left it to them.

"Almost done, I just need to set up a few more things and then we are ready," Ellen said.

"This is almost over," Sam sounded shocked and relieved.

"If this works," Grian reminded him.

"Thank you Grian, I really needed to know that," Sam glared.

Grian gave him a grin, "Welcome!"

"Don't worry about it, Sam. This is going to work, I can feel it," Taurtis assured him.

Sam smiled, "Thanks Taurtis."

"Done!" Ellen exclaimed.

"Great, now, how do we begin?" Sam asked.

"Well, I'm going to need you to hold this," Ellen handed him the rose, "And stand in the middle of the room."

"What about us?" Taurtis asked, gesturing to him and Grian.

"Just stay there," Ellen said.

Sam did as he was told and stood in the middle of the room, "So, this will break the curse, right?"

Ellen rolled their eyes again, "Yes Sam, come on, why are you doubting me now?"

"Just nervous," Sam simply said.

Ellen began by tossing this strange powder around the room, chanting words in another language. Sam was fidgeting, he didn't know why but he was really scared. The fact that there was a chance that this wouldn't do anything worried him. He didn't want this to be a waste of time.

When Ellen was finished throwing the powder everywhere, they began chanting something different. The powder started to glow a dim purple, giving the room an ominous glow. Ellen's eyes began to glow as well. When Ellen said the few last words in the spell, they turned to Sam, "Now, we wait to see if it worked."

Sam looked down at the rose and he noticed it was starting to wilt, "I think it's working."

Laughter rang out in Sam's mind, guess the rose was gonna go down without a fight. Sam felt dizzy and fell to the ground. Taurtis rushed over to him, "Sam, are you okay? What's going on?"

"I-I don't know," Was all Sam could say before he was sucked into a dream.


Sam woke up in a village, it looked to be an old hybrid village. He got up off the dirt path that ran through the entire place. He was certain this wasn't his village, so why would the rose bring him here.

"Perhaps," the sound of the rose sent a chill up his spine, "Some of the most unsettling things, have to be witnessed first hand."

In a flash the village was up in flames. The sound of screams and footprints filled the air. At first, Sam didn't understand what was going on, until he saw guards from inside the walls. Then he remembered, some villages attempted to hide the children, and this is what would happen.

"Mama!" Sam turned to see a little cat girl being pulled away from her mother. Her parents were being held down by two guards and another one place her in the carriage to be taken to the wall.

He quickly recognized the girls pink hair and amber eyes as girl who was two grades below him, he saw her around school a lot. She was always very sweet and nice to those she met.

The guards unsheathed their swords, the girl still calling out to her parents. In one fast swing, both heads of her parents tumbled to the ground.

The rose laughed but soon stopped and instead began to cough. Sam watched as he was brought back to Ellen's second house. Taurtis tackled him in a hug, "Oh thank Gord Sam, I thought we messed up somehow."

"Oh, so now it's we," Ellen rolled their eyes.

Sam stared down at the rose, fully wilted and bits of it were falling down to the ground. The rose screamed in his mind, "You can do this! You can't just end me!"

Sam smiled when the last bit of the rose crumbled. He glanced up at his bickering friends, "We did it. She's gone."

"Phew, because I wasn't sure if I was going to do that right," Ellen admitted.

"Wait you didn't know what you were doing?" Grian questioned.

Ellen shook their head, "Not a clue."

"Then how did you do it!?" Grian demanded.

"An old book my father had, he used to do stuff like this," Ellen explained.

"Well, it doesn't matter, because it worked, right," Taurtis turned to Sam.

Sam just smiled, "I'm free."

Taurtis leaned in to kiss Sam, while Grian and Ellen groaned. Taurtis ran his tongue along Sam's bottom lip, asking for entrance, which Sam happily granted. The two soon pulled away and wrapped their arms around each other. Ellen cleared their throat, "As my payment, I'd like lunch."

Taurtis laughed, "Sure thing Ellen."

Hey guys, sorry of the late update. I was celebrating Father's Day with my family, since we can't celebrate today because it's my birthday. You know, it's a little crazy to think that in a year, I'll be able to drive, that's totally insane. Also this book is coming to a close, the next chapter will be the last. Anyways, I hope you all are enjoying the story, I hope you have a wonderful day, and I'll see you all next time, Bye~!

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