Chapter 1

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"Hoy!! Emilio!! Why is it always hot on your place!?!" The blonde American started complaining as she clings into Emilio's arms.

"Amelia, please bear with me and my place. Its always like this." Emilio looked down at the clinging american.

"The sun isn't even up yet, why are you even complaining??" The two of them walked at one of the Philippine universities early in the morning. As they were walking under the morning skies, a cold breeze blew. Amelia clinged more at Emilio's arms, shivering. "That's for wearing with that kind of clothes." Emilio lectured. 

A cream haired lady wearing a blue dress with a read bow tie stood by the pavement. She was looking at the sunflowers planted on the side. "What a beautiful flower?" The lady smiled sweetly as she picks some sunflowers up. Emilio feels something itchy in his head. He scratched it and looked around. He saw a the lady picking up the flowers. 

"Amelia, can you buy me some buko juice? You can go buy there  at that vendor." He gave the american 20 peso bill and points at the vendor.

"Buko juice?? What's that??" Amelia mumbles as she walk to the vendor.

Emilio waits a little until Amelia is far from him then he sprints to the lady at the sidewalk. He tapped the lady by the shoulder. "Uhh, miss?? You can't just pick up the sunflowers here. They are for the grad-" Emilio suddenly stopped when the lady turns and looks up at his eyes. His heart suddenly pumps fast.

"Yes?" The lady's violet eyes shines as she looks at Emilio's eyes.

"Sorry" He shook his head. "You can't pick those up. Okay??" Emilios just smiled.

"Ohh. Too bad that I already picked two of them." She looked down at the flowers.

"I-its fine, I guess." He took a deep breath then raises a finger. "Just don't do it again, okay? By the way, my name is Emilio Juan Cruz y Del Pilar."

"I'm Anya Braginsky, and I will keep it in mind." Anya smiled at him, but her smile suddenly turn into a frown when she felt a familiar aura.

Emilio noticed it. He was about to ask her when someone calls his name. "EMILIO!! I'VE GOT THAT BUKO JUICE YOU WANT TO BUY!!" Amelia was raising one hand in the air while the other is holding the juice. "Is that-- Why is she here??"

Emilio looked back at Amelia then raises his hands then looks back at Anya. " I need to go now. Bye, A- A- hmmm Ms. Braginsky"

"Anya is fine." Anya looked up to him then smiles again.

Emilio turns around then runs to Amelia. He took a last glance of Anya. He saw her holding the sunflowers on her back while smiling at him. He blushed, but shakes his head then walks towards Amelia.

Amelia gave the juice to Emilio then clings to his arm again. "You naughty boy."

"Huh!?" Emilio suddenly exclaimed but Amelia just snicker as they walk as the sun rises over them.

The country meet up (A Hetalia pairing FanFiction: Anya x Emilio)Where stories live. Discover now