You Would Never Believe Me

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 Tobi's POV

I had been sitting in this chair for over an hour now, the doctors were packed that's all fine and dandy but in reality, The patients were starting to walk out and I was getting closer and closer to being on the road to recovery.

????: "Hey. How long have you been waiting?"

Tobi: "Oh uh over an hour, Maybe an hour 20 I think."

????: "Are you kidding me? Damn it I need to get a prescription for something for my mother or she will probably end up dead, But no gotta wait like a fucking dickhead, I knew I should have come down here earlier."

Tobi: "They have been like it all day apparently, I was talking to the lady at the front desk there earlier, She said they were usually always busy because the doctors were really good."

????: "I see, I'm JJ by the way."

Tobi: "Tobi, It's nice to meet you man."

I watched the man as he took his seat next to me, He was dark skinned like myself with a bald head, He was pretty masculine and I couldn't help but stare at his body.

JJ: "Like what you see?"

Tobi: "As long as you don't punch me in the face, I won't lie."

JJ: "It's cool man, Just letting you know I don't swing that way."

Tobi: "The hottest guys never do."

I continued to wait for another few minutes, Noticing JJ starting to bounce a bit impatiently, His leg jittering while his hands would not stay still, If this guy had to really get in there and get in there fast. I think him telling me his mum would die without this prescription was a ruse to try and get ahead of me, If she was dying I would assume he would go to the hospital.

JJ: "This is bullshit."

Tobi: "You have sat here for a lot less than I have but I get it."

JJ: "I would have thought if a place was so busy, They would hire more doctors."

Tobi: "Well yeah but at the same time, Not a lot of people want to be a doctor anymore, Same with the police or firefighters, It just seems a worthless job unless you desperately want to do the job which sucks. It's like no one can be bothered to save lives anymore, Most people just want to do something else or something different."

JJ: "What about you then?"

Tobi: "I am currently studying medicine myself, I want to help people whenever I can. I hope to be a doctor and study Biology on the side and then go into a Biotechnology field. Hopefully with the prerequisite knowledge I would be able to create something new to really help people to try and nullify the need for doctors unless the options were dire or serious. Then doctors would be able to continue to study and hopefully open up more spaces in the medical field to achieve something new again and erradicate the need for medicine if we could create something that would destroy any virus or disease."

JJ: "You have really thought about this havent you?"

Tobi: "I want to help the world and be the person to be able to eradicate famine and disease, I will eventually get to achieve my dream, But right now, I'm just studying and can't even get a job as a doctor so I can't do anything at the moment."

JJ: "Do you have the training?"

Tobi: "Yeah, But I don't have the qualifications to give anything out or actually see patients and it be legal."

JJ: "Oh..."

He was starting to get very agitated and that worried me for some reason, I don't know why but it did, I was just starting to get some strange vibes from this man beside me... And I knew I would be right, I was hardly ever wrong. Stupid vibes.

Tobi: "Hey sorry man I need to go to the toilet, If they call out, Just take my spot ok?"

JJ: "Thanks man, But that wont be necessary."

Why was that a warning more than a see you later... This man scares me already, I was fine at first, He seemed pretty easy going, But as soon as he tried to jam that bullshit about his mum down my throat, I needed to get the fuck out of there. I walked over towards the toilets and ran into a poor lady that was rushing around with files in her hand, I quickly stopped her before she walked anywhere else.

Tobi: "Excuse me, don't worry this won't take long, There is a man sitting down on the seats behind me, Black skin, Bald head and rather masculine, I am getting really, Really bad vibes from him as the first words he spoke to me were complete bullshit, I don't want to be rude or anything but is there a police button you guys have for emergencies, I have a feeling he isn't the guy that he says he is, He didn't walk up to reception, Only sat down next to a stranger."

I fixed up her files in case he was looking so that i wasn't weird that I stopped her and continued on my way to the bathroom. I was playing the pussy but I don't care, There was just something about him that fucking terrified me. I don't know what it was, But I guess after wanting to get into medicine for so long, You just develop a natural instinct when shit like this comes up. I sat in the bathroom on the toilet for a good ten minutes, Just "Pretending" To poo until I heard screaming coming from outside, With even more screaming coming from further away but the sound was deep and authoritative... It had to be him. I couldn't hear what was going on but I heard a loud sound, As if a gun had gone off... 


Ain't no way In hell I'm coming out of here. If he wants to take me down he can shoot me through the door. I pulled my phone out and called the emergency services, Waiting for it to go through and when it did, And I told them what was going on, They told me they had already received a call about ten minutes ago about a suspicious man. That lady was brilliant in doing what I said... I guess it was slight fear of the fact that a very black man, Walked up to her and told her of another very black man acting suspicious. She probably had the whole if he is scared I should run mentality, Why does that not surprise me? I waited in the bathroom for what seemed like forever until I heard a light knock. I wasn't exactly going to say anything so I stayed quiet until the knock got louder.

Tobi: "I'm on the crapper, There are urinals if you need to pee I'm sorry."

????: "Sir this is Officer Bradley... Wait Tobi?"

I unlocked the door and saw Josh standing there with the gun pointed at me, he dropped it immediately and placed it back into his holder before he pulled me out.

Josh: "I don't know what happened, But we got a call from a lady saying that there was a suspicious man that had been reported to them. When she said he was black and looked intimidating I won't lie, We thought it was just her being racist, But when she said another black man told her he was dangerous, She panicked. I can only assume that was you?"

Tobi: "Come down to the station, Answer some questions I get it, I've done this before."

Josh: "I know, Which is why you are under arrest, Tobi I hate to say it but for the last three years, We have put so many people behind bars that have actually done something wrong... And for every single man that we locked up, You were there at the scene in one way or another. We are taking you down to try and get some more... Profound answers out of you. This isn't a coincidence anymore. What the fuck is going on?"

Tobi: "Trust me Josh, You would never believe me."

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