One shot 15: Zene-Gods

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Gene's POV

A sigh escaped Aphmau's short frame as the clock ticked. We had been waiting for Zane as he left without informing us, And today is the day of our monthly meetings.However he did leave a note:

Need to check on something, will be back -Zane

I chuckled as I thought of the young male. It was strange. He was one of the strongest three ,yet he always seemed to favour me as he grew up. Every one was surprised when it first began but then it sort of made sense. I am the god of the Underworld and Zane .... Zane is the god of Death and Life. Sometimes he'd great the most monstrous creatures trying to make me proud. He created the demons , Hell hounds , cyclops, Sphinxes, Chimera , and etc. But in the end i had enough, I rejected him... Big mistake. He cursed me in rage and anger for thousands of years I've not known what the curse is ,but he does. There's a marking on top of my heart. And whenever questioned him, he would laugh and stare at me with that look in his eyes. An evil look. Since that day I've found myself unable to love or rather: Afraid to love, Afraid to try. 

I am Gene the god of the underworld,or Hades as some(basically all) call me. My kingdom is where the mortals pay their price for their crimes against all of the gods and goddesses. In other religions I am called Satan or Devil, I myself like Hades... Well now that i think of it they may have their own gods and goddesses.Zane on the other hand is see as an Archangel by other groups of people. He is known as Michael by the Jewish and Christian as far as I know. I sighed. 

"GUYS!! ZANE IS HERE!!" Garroth screamed, crashing through the meeting hall's grand doors. "GARROTH MY DOOOOOR!!!!!!!" Laurance yelled in dismay. Hehe, I'm so not paying for that door! As we all laughed at Garroth and Laurance an scruff , tired looking male with raven hair walked past the doorway. Zane.

"Zane!" Katelyn the goddess of war and on time-ness called at the younger male. This stopped Zane but before what they thought was going to be an annoyed "whatever" like usual an enraged shouting erupted from the young god. "WHAT NOW!?!?!?!", Dante replied " Wow who pissed in your breakfast?" Zane however looked even more enraged " I HAD NO BREAKFAST!" confused as ever Travis asked him why.Zane sighed in anger as if to calm himself ; it didn't work. "Well as the god of life and death ,I create beings. And for some random reason i created Fairy Dragons, probably didn't get enough sleep, AND in case if your wondering i made them gigantic and able to give birth to 45 eggs MINIMUM!!! FOR THE LAST 96 HOURS I HAVE BEEN HELPING WITH BIRTH OF 164 EGGS!! NOW IF YOU DON'T MIND I HAVEN'T SLEPT AT ALL AND I NEED MY SLEEP SO LEAVE ME ALONE!!" Then he ran off to his room. 

Man! I love that guy. 












WAIT WAT???!!!!!!!!!!!!??!??!??!?!?!?!!!?!


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