Chapter 17.

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After working for a week straight, I finally had a day off. I loved working, but I loved staying at home with my daughter more. Eric left for work early, he was opening the coffee shop with Isiah today. It was knowing I had the day off, I could spend the day cleaning the house and making a delicious dinner. Nothing too fancy, maybe I could just make some lasagna for us today.

It was around eleven in the morning, and Grace was awake playing on the floor. She had this mat with toys hanging from it, so she was very happy and distracted with them. While she played, I was able to clean the kitchen and the living room. I wanted to start cooking after I put her to sleep, but she still didn't seem tired. I'll probably give her a bath first, then try to put her to sleep. If she sleeps I'll be able to cook quickly, and finish fast.

I took Grace to the bathroom and set up her bath. I bathed her, and enjoyed how peacefully happy she looked. She was smiling the whole time, and she was moving her legs in way that made her splash. I smiled down at my baby, she's such a happy girl. After she was done with her bath, I changed her into her pajamas. I left the bathroom a mess, I can clean it up after she goes down for her nap. I took her to her room and sat down on the rocking chair. I breast feed her, and she quickly went to sleep. She was awake since around seven in the morning, so it's no surprise how quickly she fell asleep.

I put Grace in her crib, and before I cleaned the bathroom or started to cook, I decided I should check the mail. The DNA tests should be arriving soon, so I need to keep a close eye on the mail so Eric doesn't get the package. I walked down stairs and went outside to check the mail. I grabbed the mail, and I didn't even look through it. As I walked back inside the house, I started flipping through the envelopes. I had three in my hand, but one of the three were the DNA results I was waiting for.

I practically ran inside the house, shocked that they had actually gotten here already. I was expecting them, but I wasn't even sure how I'd feel when they got here. I was ready to open it, to see if what I suspected was right. I walked to the kitchen table. I put the other two envelopes on the table, I didn't even see what they were I didn't really care to see bills or spam right now.

I took a seat at the kitchen table. I bit my lip, scared to open the envelope. I felt nervous to what the results would say, but I wasn't even sure how I was going to react to this. If they are related, that's a good thing, right? If they're not, I guess this was all a waste. Well, maybe not a waste but I would of been wrong about my suspicions.

Okay, I need to forget about my worries about this. I just need to rip this open and see what the results are. I can't over think this, I just need to do it. I opened the letter carefully, and pulled out the paper inside of it. Even though I still felt nervous about what the letter read, I kept reading it. I read the words written on the piece of paper, once, twice, I couldn't stop reading them. Adam and Eric are brothers.

I felt very confused about this, but I knew I felt happy. I felt happy that I found out who Eric's biological family was, but now it was time to deal with the hard part. This was the part I didn't know how I would handle. I have to tell Eric about this, I have to show him. Even though he paused his search for his biological parents for me, also because of me he found out who they are. I felt scared, and nervous thinking about telling him, but I also felt excited to do so. This could go either way. He's either going to be happy, excited like how I feel right now. He might also be mad, because I did this behind his back. For all I know, he might be feeling both emotions or even more. Only one way to find out.


Eric got home, and I was almost done cooking. Even though we weren't planning on having dinner until later, at least the food will be ready to serve. We would just need to re heat it up. Eric got home at two, he was an hour late but he was just finishing up the schedule for next week. Since he was here, and Grace was still napping, I thought I would tell him what I found today.

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