The job opening

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Peter's P.O.V

Ugh. The job fair. How exciting. I hate this. Every year, I get dragged here by my own lust for a decent enough job. My cousin, my cousin's husband and their kids wanna stay home. They hate the job fair. Just like me. Something in common.

"Why do we have to go? Can't we just stay at home?" Lloyd asked.
"Lloyd. Don't worry. We'll be in and out as soon as Peter finds a good job for us all." Kai said.
"Guys! Come quick!" Lari yelled.
"What is it? Something good?" Greenflame asked.
"What is this junk?" I asked. "Give me that, Lari. It's nothing go-. Hold on."
"Ooooooh. What does it say? Tell us, tell us, tell us!" Lloyd squealed like a little kid. Everyone looked at us.
"If you have picked up this flyer, then you must be interested in this job. If you are looking for this job, then you are interested. We want you to come down to Circus Baby's Pizza World to have a good time. You have picked up the night shift advertisement. Thank you for taking your time to read this." I read. "We gotta sign up for this!"

Lloyd's P.O.V

"I remember when we were kids. We used to go there all the time. That's where your father and I fell in love." I said to my kids with a big smile.


Lloyd is walking through the Ballora gallery, when he bumps into Kai.

"Hey, watch where you're going!" He yelled.
"Sorry. Just got a bit distracted by Ballora's dancing." I said.
"Heh. She is kinda good at dancing." Kai said. "I'm Kai. And you're?"
"Lloyd." I replied.
"So, do ya come down here everyday?" He asked.
"Yeah. My cousin brings me down here." I said. "Hey, do you wanna be friends?"
"Heh. Why not." Kai replied.

Announcer: The show will begin momentarily. Everybody please stay in your seats.

"Well, the show's about to start. Why don't you come and join me." Kai offered.
"Well, okay. But I do find Circus Baby a little bit creepy." I replied.

On the way back from the show

"Ow!" I yelled.
"Watch it, bitch!" An angry person yelled. He tripped me up as I was walking, but I didn't fall on the floor. I fell into Kai's arms.
"Sorry. I just-" but he cut me off.
"Hush now, Lloyd. You really thought I was gonna be mad at ya? Of course not." Kai said to me. He started leaning in towards me.
"Uh. Kai? What are you? Mmmmf!" I tried to protest but he slammed his lips into mine. After a while, he broke the kiss.
"Lloyd, I love you. I have done since we met. I wanna go out with you." Kai said to me. I blushed.
"I love you too, Kai." I replied. We started to make out.
"PAEDOPHILE!" A kid dressed in blue yelled at Kai.
"Stfu!" Kai yelled.
"Ha! You shouldn't have said that to me, let alone catching you two making out! I'm homophobic!" He yelled at Kai. "Cole! Zane! Get a load of this. These two dickheads were making out." He said to the others.

Peter's P.O.V

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in." He replied.
"Shut up or I will put ya in a coma!" I threatened.
"Well look who's come out of parts and service!" He screamed as I slapped him round the face.
"Fuck you!" Cole yelled at me.
"Go to hell!" Zane yelled at me.
"Kill yourself!" Jay mocked.
"You wanna go?! You wanna make me mad?!" I was yelling, whilst Kai and Lloyd were holding me back. "Hold me back, bro! Hold me back!"
When I was calm, I walked away. Well, that was until Jay, Cole, and Zane beat up Lloyd.
"Oh I am mad as HELL!" I shouted.
"I've never seen him this mad. We've pissed him off, guys." Jay said.
I lunged. I grabbed him by his hair. I beat the shit outta him.

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