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  The world is spinning. Everything's blurred with colors. People are screaming and some laughing hysterically. Wind is blowing against the faces of children. The dark sky emphasizes the brightness of the lights surrounding everything. Stars and the moon are gleaming high in the sky watching over all the people. So many people. Hundreds maybe a thousand. Lots of emotions are stirring in the air. Irritation, adrenaline, happiness, fear and excitement. They are all mashed into one. The sounds of popping popcorn, children begging parents for money to play games, squeaks and cranks of machines, maybe a few crying babies is enough to dis-spell any silence. Great smells also make their way through the air. Cotton candy, fried dough, fresh cut grass.

Wonders were found at the carnival.

But times change. Things can happen without notice. Dreams can slip away into nightmares. Light can be lost. Hope can disappear into the darkness. Hellos turn to Goodbyes. What used to be here, no longer exists. In our minds, it just goes away. But the truth is it doesn't. It watches seasons, years, decades, and centuries go by. It has no idea when we will be back. It has no idea that we wont be back.

The world is standing still. Everything is colored with black, white and grey. No one screaming or laughing. It's quiet. A small breeze blows flyers and wrappers across the ground. The dark sky shadows everything. Stars and the moon way up high are hidden behind angry black clouds. No more people, none to be seen. Lots of emotions are stirring in the air. Loneliness, Sadness, Depression, Anger, and once again Fear. Dust is mixing in the cold, dead air. It's all mashed up together. The sounds of wind, or maybe a creak of a broken ride echos eerily through the park. The sounds of abandonment. Putrid smells make their way through the air. Oil, muck, rotting food, and a few dead animals.

Wonders were forgotten at the carnival.  

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