::Chapter 1::

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It was early in the morning for the Beacon Hills students as they all awaited for the bell to ring, officially ending summer vacation

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It was early in the morning for the Beacon Hills students as they all awaited for the bell to ring, officially ending summer vacation. Some students talked about joining clubs or sports for the new school year or what they did over the summer. But, that wasn't what Stiles Stilinski was doing. Instead, he was waiting for his best friend or rather only friend Scott McCall to get to school. He was feeling anxious after what happened the night before.

He may or may not have left his only friend in the woods late at night after he got caught by his father—the Sheriff and was sent home. Not wanting to get scolded by his father any longer he went home and prayed that his friend was alive and okay, especially since there was a killer on the loose. Who by the way cut some poor woman in half.

Gross, he knows but, that just made him even more curious to find the other half that the police couldn't find. He had waited a couple of hours until finally he got a text from his friend who told him that he was bitten by some animal. Now that just made him feel even more guilty for leaving his friend.

Stiles was currently biting the inside of his cheek as he kept glancing around nervously awaiting his friend to arrive. When he noticed a familiar shaggy haired brunette he felt relieved to see Scott not missing any limbs. Once Scott stood in front of him he couldn't help but be curious about the bite. "Okay, let's see this thing."

Scott gave in, albeit reluctantly as he lifted up his shirt to reveal a large gauze on the side of his torso. He peeled the bandage back a bit to reveal the large bite wound. Stiles visibly flinched at the gruesome sight. Scott noticed and nodded. "Yeah." He flinched back when Stiles tried to poke at it. "It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf."

"A wolf bit you?" He asked in disbelief, not being able to believe that a wolf could do such a thing.

Scott nodded not understanding his friends look. "Uh - huh."

"No, not a chance." Stiles denied.

"I heard a wolf howling."

"No, you didn't."

Scott gave his friend a look of disbelief. "What do you mean, no, I didn't? How do you know what I heard?"

Stiles ignored his look and answered him bluntly, "Because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in like 60 years."

The shaggy haired teen gasped in shock. "Really?"


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Bloodlust ❖ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now