★ Chapter 16: Plan ★

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A few hours of work had gone by.

It was a full day, Sunday to be exact; the most busy day where monsters and humans spend time together with their families.

Customers came in and out, and the harmony among everyone was filling the air with good vibes.

Grillby took a deep breath, and exhaled.

It had been a good day so far.

Something Grillby loved about his job, was that he could always enjoy a peaceful environment when things were going well.

Fights or any other type of ruckus were something that rarely happened, only one or two times every few months from every now and then.

What worried Grillby though, is that all the fights that had occurred at his place in the past had all one thing in common.

It was always a monster against a human.

Sadly, nothing was perfect, racism still exists.

Some humans didn't like monsters much, some even despised monsters for no reason at all.

Grillby closed his eyes and told himself to think something better, something joyous for example.

Grillby opened his eyes and fixated his view towards his far front left, where Sans was taking an order from a table that a family of five had just taken a sit in.

My new boyfriend, he thought, a bright grin overtaking his usual natural, calm expression.

He couldn't believe it, all those years of having a crush on the small skeleton had all finally payed off.

Like he had told Sans, it wasn't until about a year ago until he had come to realize he loved him.

He was his everything, his motivation to live a life at its fullest.


Sans felt his headache pain starting to expand to his neck, and down through his spine as he took the order of the family of rabbits that had just entered the bar.

Sans looked over his shoulder and noticed a certain someone staring right at him.


Sans quickly turned his gaze back to the rabbit family and down to the order list, his face heating up and flushing a deep ocean blue.

After he took order, Sans turned around and gave the order to Grillby.

"i saw you staring at me from a mile away" Sans whispered with a snicker.

"Oh- wha- ehehe... Was I too obvious?" Grillby questioned, snapping back to reality.

Sans answered with a small nod.

"Oh. . ."

"it's fine, grillbz"

Grillby glanced down at the counter, his face beginning of light up with a bluish color.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't help but to think we are, you know, finally a thing." Grillby admitted truthfully.

He couldn't stop smiling, the butterflies in his stomach were going crazy.

"heh, yeah. it's amazing actually. who could've thought my boyfriend would've​ been such a hot dude like you." Sans joked, leaning closer to Grillby and smiling.

Grillby looked up at Sans.

"Hey, we should definitely go on a date." he commented.

If Sans would've had a drink in in his mouth, he would've definetly done a spit take right at that moment.

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