Chapter Seven

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I was hyperventalating, Isaac Lahey actually kissed me and why the fuck did he do that? There were so many thoughts running through my head as I walked back and forth towards my room, touching my lips were his soft ones were earlier. He made me so confused and I don't like, I don't like one bit of it because I don't get confused, I know what I want or need, and right now, I just can't concentrate because the only thing that I can think of how his were like molded to mine. It was a perfect fit.

"Sofia, something wrong?" My mum asked me, furrowing her brows as she passed by a few times seeing me disturbed, I just smiled at her and shook my head, for the first time in a very long time I'm having problems that teenagers would actually do. After I miraculously healed, and even before that, this was the first time that I have a, let's call it, guy problem.

My phone vibrating from my pocket distracted me, I fished it and glanced at the unknown number, raising my brow, who might be calling me at this hour, "Hello?" I slowly said, waiting for the person on the other line to talk but it took a few seconds before I heard the familiar voice. "Hey, Sof, uhm, I'm not really sure how to explain this but I'm sorry for kissing you earlier, it's not that I'm sorry for kissing you but I'm sorry if you didn't want to be kissed and yet I did."

He was fumbling on the other line, he sounds like he was nervous and I can't help but think that it's cute for him to be scared of talking to her and apologizing for kissing her if she didn't want to be kissed. The last thing was actually confusing her but she decided the shrug it off and glanced at the window, playing with her hair, "It's okay, it was just a kissed, it's not like it was my first kiss or anything." Fib. It was actually her first kiss and as much as she hates to say this, he was an awesome kisser.

"Great, I guess, I'll see you tomorrow," He told me and I didn't respond, I just hang up my phone, breathing deeply and flushing although a smile was plastered on my face. I think I kind of like him although maybe a part of me was just looking for a reason to be close to him since I want to know what really happened at the lacrosse field months ago, how I end up getting better and why was his eyes all I remember.

"You can't stop thinking about him?" Allison was in front of me with her boyfriend Scott beside her, his arms wrapped around her torso, I didn't mention any name but I was telling Allison that I can't stop thinking of this guy and so, she's helping me out. It's been a month since Isaac kissed me, also a month since I started to go to school again, things were actually going perfectly since I'm regaining friends again, so here I was asking Allison about what I'm feeling since in the group, she's the one who has a boyfriend.

"I think you like him," Allison smirked, a knowing grin plastered on her face as she nudged Scott who gave her a smile as well, I groaned, of course, they know it was Isaac, I should have known that I was being obvious. "I'll just head to gym class," I laughed softly, taking my huge gym bag and slinging it over my shoulder, walking but my mind was actually racing on different thoughts like what if Allison was right? What if I like Isaac?

"Whoa," A pair of hands balanced me by the shoulder as I nearly stumbled into him as I was distracted by my thoughts, I glanced up at realized that who I bumped into was actually the source of my discomfort and confusion for the past month, "Isaac," I squealed a little, clearing my throat as he cocked his head at me and smiled, "Hey, haven't seen you around for a while, if I did know you were avoiding me." Well, he was right, I was avoiding him since I was figuring out what I feel about him, we don't really know each other that much but there's this weird attraction going on between me and him. 

"Don't you have class?" I asked him, changing the subject, it was pretty obvious that he was heading out and I knew that he has classes still since well, not because I was stalking him but actually his room was next to the gym so I had to pass by him before going to gym class as well. "Actually yes, but I'm thinking of skipping class, how about you come with me, Sofia, come on, live a little, ever since you've been back all you did was study." That got me thinking, should I really go with him? Oh fuck it, gym class was my least favorite subject anyways. "Let's go then."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2014 ⏰

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