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Chapter 51: Assembling the boats

Translated by me, edited by Kai.

"Stop, stop, stop. I trust you on the details, so just give me a price." Jiang Hai blurted out to stop Dalton from continuing. The majority of the stuff that was just said was clearly not understood by Jiang Hai. It is much better to just name a price and be over with. With the connection with Edward in place, he probably won't get overly ripped off by the price.

"The price depends on the materials used for the boat, the type of engines, and so on. If I were to give the best in class parts, then the cheapest would be roughly $40,000 made out of concrete. If it is made with aluminum alloy, then it probably will cost around $60,000. If you were to use the super strong reinforced glass, then it will cost you roughly $120,000." Hearing what Jiang Hai said, Dalton got to the point.

"Wait, what do we need reinforced glass for? With all that money, we can buy 2 aluminum alloy boats." As soon as Dalton mentioned glass, Edward cut in with a sour mood. For someone like him, what they hate the most are stuff that is just for looks and have no obvious use.

"How is there no use? It's pretty. And if you were to actually order this type of boat, I can guarantee that the bottom and middle layers will all be semi see through. This is one of our newest products. Just think about it, you can see the surrounding ocean underneath you as you are lying down inside the cabins. Also, this type of glass is semi transparent, so you can see outside, but no one from the outside can see in. This glass's defensive properties is also much higher than aluminum alloy and it's also anti corrosive. So a boat like this, with some minor changes, can act as a luxurious yacht. Except it's much cheaper." Dalton countered. He knows that Jiang Hai will listen to Edward's opinions, but in the end he is still the one paying. So as long as he is happy with the product then it becomes easy to deal with.

As expected, as soon as Jiang Hai heard the word yacht, he became interested. Although inside he is still a nerd, but now that he is wealthy, he is also interested in the activities of the wealthy. These activities right now are not playing around with cars, rather it's playing around with planes and yachts.

Previously, before he left, he heard stories where even small old yachts can easily fetch several million yuan in China. Of course the boats in questions are actually real yachts, not those sightseeing barges. In America, a luxurious yacht cost around a couple million on average. A good one cost somewhere between 1.5 million to 1.6 million, sometimes even a price tag of 2 million isn't even out of the question. But to most wealthy individuals these are just toys to them.

Although Jiang Hai's assets are currently rapidly dwindling, but he still has some ideas of getting a yacht to play with. But getting a yacht by itself kind of seems like a rip off, so modifying a fishing trawler into a yacht seems perfect to him.

Seeing the look in Jiang Hai's eyes, Edward can only shake his head. Since Jiang Hai is still too young, he prefers luxury to practicality. If it was him, he would prefer the aluminum alloy ones. Compared to the concrete ones, this type is much better in all aspects and satisfies the 3 basic needs for most sea fishing vessels. One, they aren't as heavy as the concrete ones. Two, they are much quicker. And finally, they are so much harder to flip over. As for reinforced glass, there is really no need; except for looking fancy and all. However, since Jiang Hai wants it like this, then he might as well as help get a deal for him.

"Then reinforced glass it is. Our boss is still the boss after all, so you can't be lacking in toys to play with. Getting the two in one is the most economical option. But Dalton, I still need to say this. 1.2 million isn't a small number. So you need to include everything in there. Including the 3 engines, depth sonar, all the bedrooms, washrooms and other rooms are all your responsibility. And the prices for our dinghies also needs to be cut." Edward commented glumly to Dalton. But clearly, Dalton on other side appeared much happier.

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