36. I promise.

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Wally stared at the bird, about to say something else when the sky started to fall, except it wasn't the sky and it wasn't falling.

Dick stared blankly at the sky, the air splitting sound arriving before he saw what made it. He didn't wait before tugging on Wally's sleeve, the words just on his lips before it seemed like the entire world was enveloped in silence, an explosion rocking the area, shattering the windows of the mall and sending glass everywhere.

"D, are you alright?" The speedster said softly, already out of the blast radius when the thirteen year old nodded.

"It was a bazooka..." Dick trailed off, staring at the hole that filled the spot Wally had just stood on.

"Then who's targeting us?!" Wally shouted against the white noise that filled everywhere, his head pounding as he dodged the shrapnel flying at him, shielding the boy in his arms as he put on his goggles, scanning the area.

Dick tapped on Wally's shoulder, pointing to a building to the right as they ignored the screaming citizens around them.

The speedster jumped back as he glared at the incoming missile. "Who?"

In return, a cold voice replied along with the click characteristic to a loaded pistol. "I know you have it."

Before Wally could turn around another missile was headed for him just as the figure behind him pulled the trigger.

"Wally..." Dick held on to his brother's sleeve.

Wally smiled brilliantly at the boy, as though their lives weren't on the very brink of being snuffed out. "Don't worry Dickie, I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise."


And guess what? I'm leaving you at this cliff. Now, I'm going to go reply you guys comments on the other chapters❤

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