Chapter 8: Anxious Feelings (Part 3)

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“Wha, what!?”

Setsuna was wide eyed with bewilderment.

“Don’t feign ignorance,” Megumi said bluntly, “you’ll only make things more difficult for yourself.”

Not a single breath could be heard. All eyes in the room were upon Setsuna; Yelena’s eyes were becoming bloodshot while her brother looked on silently. Laurel’s eyes spoke of her indifference, as the iris’s of Margaret’s eyes resonated with fear. Ancil’s blue eyes lacked sympathy. Eustis glared at Setsuna with quiet indignation. No way, Setsuna thought, there’s no way!

Megumi broke the silence. “Well, say something! What will it be?”

Setsuna could feel herself starting to tremble. I must seem so guilty right now... I have to say something!

Setsuna turned her head a bit, looking at Megumi from the corner of her eye. “You… You’re wrong.” Despite her effort, Setsuna’s rebuttal came out as a whisper. She could feel her lower lip quivering. This can’t be happening…

“I see,” Megumi chuckled.

“It looks like I’ll have to prove it!”

Megumi threw her unfolded ninja fan at Setsuna. Unarmed, Setsuna had no choice but to evade the tessen. She leaned back in her chair, falling to the floor. Setsuna watched the fan fly over her before lodging into the wall. Is she trying to kill me!?

Before Setsuna could get up, Megumi was already on her.  Setsuna tried to get Megumi off of her, but her flailing proved futile. Megumi drew her second tessen and pressed it against Setsuna’s throat.

“Enough struggling!” Megumi yelled. “I know you can manipulate dark ether! Use it now, unless you’re willing to take your secret to the grave!”

Setsuna struggled in vain to breathe. This can’t be happening, this can’t be happening, this can’t be happening! She looked around for anything that could help her escape, but nothing was there. She was isolated in a dark corner; using her Shadow Step was her only option.


Setsuna merged with the shadows on the floor beneath her, escaping Megumi’s chokehold. Everything was black as she sank further into the perpetual darkness, the crescendo of her fearful heartbeat was the only sound to be heard.

…So cold… I can’t go on… I’m going to… I’m gonna die here… I’ve failed… I’m… Sorry…

Her consciousness fading, Setsuna closed her eyes.

“Se.. na…”



What? Who…?


That voice… its so sad… someone’s crying for me…

“Setsuna! Where are you!?”

I… I’m here. I’m right here. I’m right here! Hold on! I’m right here!

A feint light pierced the surrounding veil of darkness. Setsuna resolved to use the last of her strength to push towards the warm light.


“What did you do!? Where is she!?”

Yelena was hysterical, frantically shaking Megumi.

“Where is she!? Where’s Setsuna!?”

“Miss Sergeyevna,” Megumi pleaded, “please calm down. She’ll be back.”

“How do you know!? You don’t!?” Yelena let go of Megumi.

“Setsuna! Setsuna! Setsuna!” Yelena could no longer hold back her tears. She fell to the ground sobbing.

“Setsuna! Where are you!?”

Megumi stared emptily at the crying Yelena. Why is this girl acting so distraught? Does she not care that Fuyutsuki was a murder? As a priestess from Narodnaya, shouldn’t she find a manipulator of dark ether such as Setsuna an enemy?

Megumi still stood in confusion when Setsuna emerged from the ground near Yelena.

“Setsuna!” Yelena ran over to hug her friend. “I’m so glad! *sniff* I’m so glad you’re okay!”

Setsuna didn’t return the hug. Rather than reciprocating, her body stiffened up.

“Why?” Setsuna asked, her voice shaking with uncertainty, “Why are you crying?”

“Because, *sniff* I thought you were dead!”

Yelena loosened her embrace. Although tears continued to stream down her face, she quieted herself before looking at Setsuna.

“Listen. All you need to do is tell me that your innocent. Tell me you didn’t do it, and I’ll believe you.”

Setsuna closed her eyes, but she couldn’t hold back from crying any longer.

“I can’t do that… because I did do it.”


Setsuna confesses! How will the other's react!?

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