Chapter 14

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday Ive been really busy!

This chapter is gonna be slightly inappropriate so *warning*


I was naked and vulnerable. He picked me up in his arms and we continued to make-out .

In the middle of the kiss I pulled away. "Why are you doing this," I asked him.

"You told me to prove it so let me prove it" he said then continued to kiss me.

This time I didn't interrupt. He began to walk me to his room on the boat.

Like him his room smelt like axe. He lay me down on his bed, and it began.

He began to kiss down my body. I just lay there. I didn't know what to do, but it felt so good. I was moaning although I couldn't hear myself in the heat of the moment, Chris looked up at me and smirked verifying the slight noises.


The next part is very graphic so warning!

Ik this is weird, I'm laughing as i wrote this!


Then it began. He stuck dick into me and began to rub my clit. I only knew this because we had learned about it in school. It hurt. I moaned and this time I could hear myself. He obviously wasn't new at this.

He began to thrust back and forth. It hurt, but thats what I had expected. The first time is always supposed to hurt. Right?

It feel so good, but so hurt so bad. I felt a tingling in my body. I started to freak out. I panicked. It felt good, but something was wrong.

It continued to get stronger and the more i got scared. Finally, I exploded in a burst of energy. I began to moan loud and scream his name. Was that supposed to happen?

He looked at me with a smirk on his face and continued to do what he was doing.

So guysss inappropriate much? Oh ik!

Please comment vote and share!

My goal is 1k by next time I post which will be Wednesday I think.

Ill try when I can!

Thanks for everything so far!


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