Failed parts! Part 1

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Hey guys so I will be doing the one shots in this book and the failed series!

        Game over-Cartoonz

Me and Luke were playing games Rainbow six to be exact.

He was screaming like a little bitch. I see a call pop up on discord.

I answer because I was in love with him. "Hey Delly!" I said lovingly using his nickname.

"Hey N/N!" He said back. We talked while playing and I heard a quiet growl from Luke.

"You okay?" I asked him staring into his eyes seeing Hatred, and Betrayal.

He's been acting strangely. He walked upstairs and he seemed mad. No I don't want my beta friend mad at me!

This was the original first part for the one shot book which I didn't delete till now. This was changed to the watching Cartoons because I didn't like it at all. It was crappy and I wrote this because I was bored.

Say 3 words-Ohmwrecker

Me and my best friend Ryan were watching a movie. I have been officially friend zoned by Ryan.

He has a Crush on Sasha and refers to me as Sister. I've had a crush on Him for so long.

I've been their through thick and thin. Sasha has been there for one school day.

I hate Sasha.

This one was too short and I didn't feel like continuing it because I'm always using Sasha as an Ex or the person who stole them from you.

That is all for now My little Artists! Thank you for reading! See ya later!

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