Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

" This is amazing" I cried. " You guys have no idea how much you guys take sight for advantage" I cried stealing the bottle of bourbon from Jeremy who gave me a look as I downed the bottle before letting out a cry of joy.

" Is she okay?" I heard Elena ask and Jeremy let out a laugh." I think she's drunk."

" I'm not drunk." I stated. " I'm happy, I finally get to see you, to know you all as more then just voices in the dark."

We went back to town, while Elena and Jeremy went to the Salvatore house to get the cure, I went to get my cap and gown. When I joined the others next to the stage, Caroline was being her usual sentimental self, and going on, and on, about college stuff but Elena nearly ruined it when she mentioned that she had missed the deadline.

" Your right Caroline, we shouldn't let life pass us by." I said and she grinned as I declared. " I'm going to New Orleans, and I'm going to enjoy it, blind or not."

" At least someone here is happy." Caroline said before we group hugged and Bonnie's dad gave us his congratulation speech. We were called on stage in order of our last names but as I stepped on stage, I heard a high pitch ringing and quickly took my diploma before going to help the others as they were attacked by a bunch of dead witches with revenge on the brain but before I could lift a finger one of them lost their head via graduation cap.

I looked over to see a man with blonde hair and pale blue eyes, and a smile crossed my face when I recognized him from all those years ago. The witches didn't listen to his threat about dismembering the rest of them and I was not about to let him have all the fun. I flicked my wrist and one by one they dropped to the ground." Well that wasn't as fun as I thought it would be." I said before walking over as Klaus stared at me in shock.

" Aislinn, your eyes.." He said trailing off and I shrugged." It's temporary." I told him before I tossed a vile of my blood to Stefan, who ran off to help Damon who had been shot with several werewolf venom bullets.


As I placed my suitcase in the back of Klaus's car, the darkness started to creep back over my vision and I knew it was time. Klaus closed the door and I looked up at the sky one last time before I saw nothing more. " Are you sure this is what you want?" He asked and I nodded.

" Can we just go, before I change my mind." I said and he started the car.

When we reached New Orleans, Klaus led to me a guest bedroom on the first floor, much like he had done at his mansion in Mystic Falls. He left me to get settled but it wasn't long before the silence was disturbed by Hayley. " So, your the orphaned blind girl with the uncontrollable mystical power?"

" Yep, and you must be the pregnant orphaned werewolf" I responded.

" Guess we all have problems."

" I guess so." I said with a smile before I went back to unpacking.

Let the fun begin

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