The date

428 11 13

Blazes pov.

I just texted Dottie to wear something casual but I didn't tell her what we were doing but what we are going to do is first go to buy ice cream, then have a picnic (I know weird order but deal with it please and thank you for your understanding of author ain't got no time for changes) and finally go to a special clearing where I'm going to ask Dottie to be my mate and hopefully she will say yes. I'm so exited I can feel my tail waging!

I ended up wearing this

I ended up wearing this

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Dottie's pov

What to wear what to wear what to wear! Blaze said to wear something casual but I can't wear my everyday outfit or he might think I don't care uggg we're is Maria when ya need her! Ok calm it Dottie look just look

                                                                               One hour later

Found it finally the perfect outfit


Now uggggggg the hard part

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Now uggggggg the hard part


Jk no makeup

"Ohhhh no you don't" alpha (aphmau) says running in

I screamed at her sudden arrival she then straps me in a chair puts my hair in a pony tail, gives me blue smokes eyes with her on fleek eyeliner then some mascara then light red lipstick with  some light pink blush then she let me free

"Now go on your date with blaze and have a good time" she says I nod ok then on cue the doorbell rings I open it to see a very handsome blaze with...... blue roses and lilacs "awww thanks blaze" I say "your welcome Dottie" Blaze says Blushing then we here a click we turn to see alpha (again aphmau) with a camera "ALPHA" we both shout

                                                        Five minutes after chasing aphmau later

Blaze's pov

Wow she looks good I hear a ring ohh yeah we just got to the ice cream parlor Dottie says "I'll have strawberry" then I say "I'll take a Vanilla" "one vanilla one strawberry coming right up for the cute couple" the mystery ice cream girl says as we blush then Dottie says "wait AUTHOR" "yup, the fourth wall has been Brocken because I need some people in the audience to be characters in the story but looks like I'm the ice cream girl. " author~chan says "couldn't you have just written an authors note" Dottie and I say "yeah but those are boring" author~chan says "here is you ice cream" author~chan says while handing us our ice cream" then Dottie and I run away from Author~chan then I say "well now lets go sit under the tree on the blanket continently placed right there" "wooooooow Blaze, smooth" Dottie said then I smartly say " Hey look sandwiches" we sit down and have an enjoyable pick nick I really do hope she likes the clearing (btw the clearing is kind of like Aaron's clearing in minecraft diaries season 2 except flowers are every where and if you aren't an old fan then basically its an hidden empty abandoned lot and this one has flowers surrounding the edge  and there is a Sakura tree in the middle with a bench and gazebo with vines ) so we finally arrive and I can see Dottie is awe struck and runs strait to the gazebo so I go behind her and pulled out a Bracelet that would combine our scents and tapped her shoulder and asked "Dottie would you do me the honer of being my mate" her hands clasped over her mouth and nodded so I put the bracket on her and hugged her then to my surprise she kissed me on the lips and I knew I made the right choice asking her.

The feels right now well word count is 625 words

Blaze x Dottie The life of the pack (Completed)(Extra's in progress)Where stories live. Discover now