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"Robin." He heard M'gann's timid voice and ceased training. He turned to face her, not meeting her eyes. It had been several days since his first session with Black Canary, and each time he told her something that happened. There was no rhyme or reason to their sessions, he would just start talking and just open up. He had only told her about what had happened directly out of the explosion, and none of the more... sensitive topics.

"Yeah?" He asked, an air of false cheerfulness around him as he gave her a fake smile. All his smiles were fake nowadays.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come to a Halloween party at Happy Harbor High. I'm inviting the whole team." She then rushed to continue, "You don't have to decide now! I - just - uh - you can just show up tomorrow, here at the Cave, in costume if you want to." She finished awkwardly.

"Thanks M'gann. I'll think about it." He assured her, and seemingly okay with his answer she left the room.

Tomorrow is Halloween? He had forgotten what day of the week it was, as well as the month. It had been April in the simulation before he woke up. He knew it was October but he wasn't aware of the actual date.


"Dick?" The man in question looked up to see Damian hesitantly entering the study. He was slightly surprised that he had called him by his first name, but didn't show it. Maybe it was a sign that Damian was growing up and socially improving.

"Yes Damian?" He asked as the boy sat besides him.

"Brown said Halloween is coming up." He looked at the older boy with curious eyes, "What is Halloween?"

He gave a small start of surprise, "Well..." He explained to the boy what the holiday was. He was surprised in the boy's interest in the topic, but was grateful for a chance to bond with the boy. He had been feeling like he had been neglecting him lately in civilian form. They still went on patrol together, but it wasn't the same.

And when Damian fell asleep next to him, he was even more grateful. He'd have to remind Barbara to go easy on Stephanie later, for the girl had given him a great gift.

He turned, preparing to leave the room and head to his session with Black Canary. Before leaving, he made sure to clasp on his cape. He still didn't like it, but he would wear it to dodge questions for now.

That was until he could don his Nightwing costume once more.

He heard someone up ahead, and he soon found himself face to face with the young kryptonian.

"Robin." The boy said, coming to a halt. He stopped in front of the clone, looking directly next to his face. "I...uh, I wanted to say I'm sorry for what I said the other day." He apologized awkwardly. He knew it probably took a lot for him to say that.

"It's okay Superboy." He looked down, "I uh," He stumbled over his words, unsure if he actually wanted to say it or not, "I'm actually heading to a therapy session with Black Canary. I have been for awhile now. I haven't exactly gotten over the simulation." Over the thirty years of my life that are gone.

Superboy looked surprised, before quickly looking embarrassed, "Oh. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine SB." He gave him a fake smile. "I gotta go. Don't want to keep BC waiting." he was about to head towards the therapy room before saying, "Superboy."


"Can you, umm..."

"Not tell the others?" He guessed.

He nodded, biting his lip. "I don't want to be pitied and I don't want M'gann to feel bad. It wasn't her fault."

Superboy nodded, and he knew those words would make him keep the secret. It was no secret to him that Superboy and M'gann were in love, and Superboy would do anything to protect her.

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