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Chapter 101: Are you free?

Translated by me, edited by drpetro.

The storm was seriously intense. Even with the wipers at max, Ye Qing still had to try really hard to see if anything was in front of him.

The good thing was that there was rarely any traffic on Huanhai Avenue. Although it was a bit far, for any place that Ye Qing wanted to go, all he needed to do was circle around on the avenue a bit, then head directly over.

Zhongyun broadcasting station was at the new municipal area. There were tons of government bodies and institutions, like the earthquake detection center, the weather stations, the courthouse, and so on.

When the Lagonda reached the area, there were people with blown away umbrellas, and people running around looking for cover everywhere.

When he entered the area it was 5:20. While he was passing the broadcasting station, he actually saw a glimpse of a gymnasium sized, transparent, egg shaped structure beside the broadcasting building.

Egg shaped structure was covered with the currently really popular reflective panels. They had a type of transparent, polycarbonate plastic. Not only was it cheap, it also had great transparency.

It was just that the rain was too intense, completely obscuring the building.

Under the first floor room of the broadcasting tower were a bunch of young men and women, standing together with some really old looking people.

Underneath the storm drainage of the large glass roof were several waterfall like streams vomiting water out like a pressurized water cannon, completely drenching everyone waiting in water.

The familiar coworkers got together to size up the parked cars, while the rest were all chatting away on work related topics. It looked like many of them were waiting for the storm to clear a little before driving away.

Several station's beauties were laughing together, and taking selfies of the waterfalls behind them.

A brightly lit silver Lagonda slipped out of the heavy rain, and parked right next to the lobby.

Everyone's eyes lit up as they very strangely stared at this only seen in pictures luxury car.

Ye Qing glanced at the waiting people, but didn't find DouDou; she was probably still upstairs.

Those people were all her co-workers and managers. If Ye Qing sat in the car, and didn't greet them at all, then that was just too impolite.

Hence, Ye Qing with his umbrella, risked the rain as he ran for the lobby. Several really beautiful girls with light makeup gathered over. They were the station's flowers, everyone was super nice to them.

"Bro! Who you here for?" A girl, who Ye Qing felt was super familiar, but he just couldn't remember her name, asked.

"Bai Dou'r!" Ye Qing, while closing the umbrella, smilingly nodded at her, thinking how worth it this decision was.

"So you're here for our DouDou sister. She's still upstairs." The girls happily made small talks: "We're all in the same situation, no need to stand so far, careful to not get yourself wet."

"I say control yourselves ladies. Don't stick right next to them as soon as you see one. Careful of Bai Dou'r's jealousy if she catches you." A real mature looking woman in a purple suit walked over: "Hi I'm Liu Yun, the Chief here."

"Ye Qing!" Ye Qing felt somewhat flattered. He had long before heard that the Chief of the broadcasting station was a very strong woman who loved used young people. Before he always thought that it was some big aunt aged woman, but who knew that she was​ more like a little aunt.

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