Chapter Ten

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"Now your showing up inside my home~ breathing deep into the phone~"


Taehyung was currently sitting in Jungkook's bed, eatting breakfast that Jungkook made for him

After Jungkook's small breakdown things had gotten.. better?

Even though Junglook went back to his old self, he still let Taehyung stay in his room and made him pancakes. So it wasn't too bad

Taehyung softly munched on his food as he thought about the situation he was in. What was he even going to do?

Will Jungkook ever let him go?

Would he grow old with Jungkook?

Would Jungkook kill him?

Taehyung's thoughts were interrupting by a very wet Jungkook

Jungkook slipped into the shower after making Taehyung's food. Leaving Taehyung to eat by himself


Taehyung slightly blushed as Jungkook only had a towel wrapped around his waist. Leaving his torso and legs exposed

Taehyung looked at Jungkook's body. He was very well built. But then he noticed something else.

Taehyung's eyes raked over Jungkook's damaged skin. There were scars, some self harm, other's looked like whip marks. He has some bruises that seemed to be fading.

Taehyung subconsciously moved off the bed and glided over to Jungkook. Running his hand gently over the scares

"How did I not notice these before?"

Taehyung felt himself tear up. He didn't know why he didn't like the fact that someone had badly hurt Jungkook. He just didn't

Taehyung felt two fingers slip under his chin and lifted it up, making him look up at his captor

"Mm don't cry"

Jungkook wiped the tears from Taehyung's face

"H-how di-id you get these?"

Jungkook's expression darken as did his eyes

"P-please tell me" The older pleaded

Jungkook could feel it, he could feel the 'emotions' pounding at his skin, ready to come out. But he couldn't let them out


Jungkook clenched his jaw, it was as if his skin was on fire. Too many people were talking st once and he didn't know what to do. Why was this happening again?

"Kill him"

"Hurt him"

"No don't kill him, let him in. Let him fix us"

"Are you crazy?! He's making us weak! He needs to be eliminated before he gains our trust then destroy's us!"

"He's not making weak! Let him protect Jungkook!"

"He will send Jungkook away the minute he gets the chance!"

"Because he thinks Jungkook is you! Your the one he found first! Your the one that killed Hoseok and the family!"

"And I was gonna do Taehyung too! If you hadn't stopped me!"

"And I want us to end it. Let us be at peace for once. I'm done with your bickering.. Let's Just sleep again"

"We are supposed to protect Jungkook!"

"So let's end it and make sure he's never harmed again"

"No we mu-"

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" Jungkook screamed in his mind

"Just shut up!!"

Jungkook gripped his head again, the yelling was driving him mad


Jungkook stumbled, crying out in pain as the they fought again

"Please shut up! Just shut up!" Jungkook screamed out

Jungkook felt pain, then numbness. his eyes feeling droopy

Someone was coming out



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