Chapter 17- Bare Your Soul

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His Fake Girlfriend

Chapter 17- Bare Your Soul

I woke up to my mom calling for me. Over and over announcing that breakfast is ready. Jill yelled for me at one point to get my ass down stairs. Julia and Josh banged on my door a couple of times, but there was nothing that was going to get me out of this bed. Every time someone shouted or banged my door I winced hoping that they didn't wake up Sky.

I don't know why Sky decided to tell me about her mom, especially at that time. I wasn't angry or resentful but glad. I hoped that she'd tell me one day, I even thought that now maybe she was beginning to trust me, and when she did I couldn't help but break down. My heart sank and reached out for her. If I thought the death of my dad was hard I couldn't imagine her own parental death.

Her mother’s passing may be longer than the passing for my father but the pain was still the same- pain is pain. Seeing that coming from her it depressed me. Would the pain I always felt every year for my father on the death of his anniversary come back and hit me like it was the first time? I want to move on. I want to still love and treasure him, but at the same time I don't want to be burden with the first time grief and pain feeling every year.

I couldn't see what Sky's sleeping face looked like but I hoped it was peaceful. Hearing her soft breathing noises entering and leaving her body soothingly meant that she was still fast asleep. I lied behind her quietly resting my eyes, with her still pressed against me like paper. It must have been a while but eventually someone came knocking on the door softly.

Picking my head up and narrowing my eyes to the light my mom came tip toeing in, pausing when she saw another body next to mine. Her finger was pressed to her lips as if signaling me to be quiet. Like I already didn't know that "Breakfast?" She asked in a hushed tone

I shook my head with somewhat of a scolding look mouthing a no. I laid my head back down on the pillow hearing her walk back out and closing the door softly behind her. I sighed along with Sky,- wait she's awake? She slowly turned her body to me, resting her head on my arm. With her eyes still slightly open I gave her a half grin, peeling away the hair that stuck on her sticky wet cheeks. She looked up lightly grinning, "Good morning" She mumbled in a quiet tone.

“Good morning sunshine." I said back softly.

“Sorry about last night." She apologized in a small voice. She looked away shyly, tugging the sheets closer to her.

“Don’t apologize.” I mumbled quickly, placing my hand on the side of her face. I brushed my thumb across her cold cheek of dried up tears. “Vulnerability is my weakness.” I half grin looking down at her.

“I didn’t mean to fall asleep with you either. I hope your mom isn’t too strict on that rule. I can tell her it’s my-”

“Don’t worry about a thing. All understandable reasons.” I told her kindly. I thought about the story she told me again last night. About her mom, the car accident, the pregnancy; it explain a lot about Sky. How she is and why she’s like this. Why she always told me to put a seatbelt on in the car. I understood her more now. “You know, you didn’t have to tell me all that last night. I mean- I’m glad you trust me with that, but you didn’t have to.”

“I want to be more like you. That’s why I did it.” She told me in a shaky voice. Her index finger lightly doodled on my shirt. She seemed so lost and distant.

“What do you mean?” I ask her, looking at her as she looked at my shirt, avoiding my gaze.

“You’re so much stronger than me. I wish that I could so freely talk about my mom like you talk about your dad.” She admitted.

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