Chapter 15

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After racing Alli last night Rin went to the orphanage and saw  and played with the children she went back to the castle and went to sleep. Rin woke up and got ready for her work with Elizvett and accidentally hit her hand against the closet door "Damn that really hurts" she says holding her arm and rubbing it, looking down and gasps. "What happened to my arm" thinking she finally realises that is was when Alli grabbed her arm and squeezed it tightly the night before it must have bruised. "well that isn't good if Mein found out she would have my head for damaging my skin" she says.

Mein comes in and asks "and why would i have your head?"

"i-um nothing you must have misheard me what i said was Mein would love to hold my hand hehe..."

"sure i would love to hold your hand Rin can i really hold your hand!?" Mein says jumping up and down and talking with a high voice.

"huh uh yeah sure i didn't know you would be so enthusiastic about it" Rin says smiling and holding out her hand for Mein to grab. Mein of course took her hand and they started walking around till they got to the garden and Mein let go. She started to fix herself up to look presentable for people like she normally does. she walk and sits at the table she sat at the other day and drink some tea that was already there set for her. "Well i'll see you later Mein after i'm done"

"yes of course my lady" Mein says in a professional tone like she was told to.

Rin walk through the guards and sees no people waiting for her. she sits down thinking they were late this time, and  waiting made her more anxious.

suddenly an arrow comes shooting through the tree and just before it fatally injures her she catches the arrow but it hit the skin in her hand and it hit her shoulder though not deep it still drew blood.

"Sorry i'm late- what happened" elizvett says as she walks through the roses.

"someone shot me up in that tree" Rin says taking out the arrow and throwing it to the ground and pointing to the tree.

"Gilmber go investigate maybe you can catch up with the perpetrator" Elizvett says and gilmber ,who was behind her, starts running to the tree and all they hear left is his footsteps in the leaves. "are you okay did it go deep into the wound how much are you bleeding"

"well i'm okay-ish i mean i'm bleeding but not too bad it hit the palm of my hand and my shoulder but i should be fine-ish" she says holding her shoulder with the bleeding hand.

"well we should get you to the palace and Mein could use her magick to heal you"

"she outside this garden just let me yell" she breaths in deeply and "MEIN I'M INJURED COME HERE!"

"well i suppose that works" after a couple of seconds Mein comes crashing through the  rose bushes and looks around for RIn and spots her in a chair at the table.

"oh holy mother of pearls what happened to you lady Rin, you didn't let this happen did you?" Mein asks turning her attention to Elizvett.

"no Mein she wasn't here when it happened and Gilmber went to go find the person who shot the arrow" Rin says trying to calm Mein down "Now could you come here and heal me some in my hand and shoulder?"

"well you know as well as i i can't heal outside wound but i can heal  a small bit let's get you to your room, hey you Elizvett carry her for me"

"i don't need to be carried i can walk, Elizett can we carry on another day so i can get healed today"

"yes of course princess please take care of her Mein" Elizvett turns and walks away and Gilmber come crashing out out from the bushes "where did Elizvett go"

"ah she left" Mein says leaving with Rin

"aw man she coulda called me" He yells run after Elizvett.

""So Rin where'd it hit you?" Mein asked worry in her voice and eyes.

"well like i said earlier in the palm of my hand and in my shoulder i took out the arrow here" Rin says handing  the arrow to Mien "can you tell if it's been poisoned?"

"Well from what i can tell it isn't poisoned  and you'll live i'm guessing they didn't expect to miss your heart and didn't poison the arrow"

"well i suppose i'm lucky  they sucked at shooting arrows heheh" she says 'and sadly i cant use my healing magick they shot my healing hand' she thought to herself

"yeah..." sighing Mein walks up the stairs to her room to get some bandages for Rin. Mein sits Rin down on her bed and Rin undresses her shoulder for Mein to dress it in bandages. An awkward silence follows as they sit, suddenly Mein bursts out crying and bear hugs Rin yelling how sorry and how worried she was.

"i s-s-should have b-b-been there if i-i was there y-y-you wouldn't have been hurt AAHHAH" Mein cries on top of Rin who pets her head and talks soothingly.

"Mein it's not your fault i'll be fine plus you already bandaged me so i'll heal fine"

"but but-"

"no buts i'm fine so it's okay" Mein cries for the whole day before she finally falls asleep in Rin's lap. "sleep well" Rin kisses the top of her forehead and picks her head up and sets her down pulling the covers over her. Walking back to her room Rin wonders if she should risk going to the orphanage or just stay here. After deciding she decides to risk it. getting ready she heads out and she makes it to the town and nothing happens.

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