Second Afterlife Chapter 1

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--------Karin’s POV--------

"Toshiro, are you sure about this. I mean, what if someone sees us together?" I asked my boyfriend, Toshiro Hitsugaya, Squad 10 Captain.

"Don't worry about it. I have hidden my spiritual pressure and anyone will think that you are just getting some more exercise, Karin," Toshiro told me while he was dragging me into our preferred place to have dinner, McDonald's. We were celebrating our 5 year anniversary of being together.

"Just be happy that Ichigo hasn't figured out that we are dating, yet." I just had to smile at what I was saying.

“Yeah,” Toshiro replied. “If he found out, I might have to fake my own death just so he would leave me alone.”

I smiled at his comment. “But, you would never do that, right?” I asked him. I would cry my eyes out if I thought that he was deceased. I would go into an emotional state where I wouldn’t do, say, eat, or drink anything.

He just smiled and said, “Of course, I would never do that. I wouldn’t do that if I knew that it would put you into that state.” It was as if he read my mind. After he said that, he placed a nice kiss on my cheek. Then we continued to walk to McDonald’s.

After we finished dinner, Toshiro escorted me home. When we got home, I was so tired. Toshiro saw how tired I was, so he just carried me up to my room. Almost as soon as he set me on my bed, I fell asleep. I did catch what Toshiro said before he jumped out of the window. “Good night, gorgeous.” Then I fell into a deep sleep.

--------Toshiro’s POV--------

I said before I jumped out of her window, “Good night, gorgeous.”

‘STUPID!’ I thought to myself. ‘Why didn’t I do it? I was supposed to propose to her tonight. IDIOT!’ I took the little blue box out of my pocket. “Well, it looks like you won’t be on any finger tonight, little guy.”

When I reached Urahara's, Rangiku, my lieutenant, was staring at me with that stupid big smile of hers. I know what she is going to do. She is going to ask me what I have been doing for the past three hours. That isn't going to work, though. No matter how much she wants to know, I will not tell her anything. I am better than I seem. I will not tell her unless my life depends on it. I know that if I tell her that Karin and I are dating, then she will tell people like Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, and Kira. Then they will tell others. Finally all of this will come to Ichigo and the Soul Society. Either it comes to Ichigo first, and I die when I fought back. Or the Soul Society will know first and I will be executed and not be able to do anything about it. Damn.

"So...where have you been, Captain?" she asked me, hoping to get an answer. She should know that by now, if I wanted to tell her, I would have told her when I left.

"That is none of your business, Matsumoto." I told her in my very formal Captain's tone.

"Awww...come on. I want to know!" Then Rangiku started to scream. "I WANT TO KNOW NOW!"

"MATSUMOTO!" I screamed at her. Then she went very quiet. "Get a hold of yourself. My life doesn't concern you in any way."

She nodded her head and replied, "Yes, Captain."

"By the way, Matsumoto. Have you seen Kisuke anywhere? I need to talk to him about something." I asked her.

"Yeah, he is over there with Yoruichi." she said and pointed towards the next room.

"Thanks, Matsumoto." I told her as I went over to Kisuke.


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