A/n: Explanation

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VERY long time no see, everybody.

So, I have quite a bit of explaining to do, correct?

Long story short, I lost motivation to keep watching anime and school was being quite hard on me. I was in all honors classes, so a plethora of work is inevitable, right? But although I lost my interest with anime and such, I continued to write because I felt that it was a job of mine and it was quite fun to come up with a plot.

I do not consider myself a good writer (lol all i do is complain about how trash i am) but I can only get better!

Why am I suddenly back, you may be asking?

I stumbled upon an episode of TG in my files. I thought that nothing could hurt from watching it, so I did. I went on kissanime and saw that BNHA S2 was ranked #1. I knew that BNHA had a season 2, so that brought back a lot of good memories from last year. I haven't watched it yet, but it made me think if this fanfic. I hope you guys realize that I haven't even watched SnK season 2 as well lol.

If you were on my message board, you saw what I wrote. I do plan on coming back with a new chapter soon. Please be patient because I forgot everything that I wrote with this story. Along with that, should I watch the new season of BNHA before writing new chapters, or would you guys just like me to go off of the manga like I did before? If I watch the anime, then the new chapter will take longer to produce (possibly).

Also keep in mind that I might not be as good as I used to be, if you consider what I write is good. My writing quality might be trash compared to the previous chapters. I hope you understand.

Seeing all of the people who seemed to enjoy my story made me feel really happy. That's all I need for some motivation, so thanks, guys. People might find that when readers comment "omg update!!!" annoying, but I actually love it. It makes me feel like they are dying for more and is genuinely enjoying what I'm writing, so go ahead and yell at me to update. It does not bother me in the slightest bit.

(i had a general idea of what i wanted to do with the climax of this book, but i completely forgot lol forgive me please as i attempt to remember)

See you in the next chapter :)

(please wait for me)

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