Chapter 3/ Worthless/Part 1

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You were about to turn eleven but you lived with the most foul people on planet earth who couldnt remember your birthday, even if it was engraved into their forehead just like your scar.

Your P.O.V.
"(Y/N)! Harry! Wake up and cook breakfast" "Yes Aunt Petunia" me and Harry both said in unison. I started to get up before Harry grabbed my wrist and said " (Y/N), you know what today is right?" he said with worry in his voice " No, Harry how could I have possibly forgotten that it was Dudleys birthday after he punched me in the face and told me he was going to kill me if I didn't get him something" I said that a little to sarcastically but I was angry, and I couldn't hold it in " oh yeah, sorry" Oh god, I recognize the hurt in his voice " look im sorry its just that im tired of being pushed around by him since birth" "I know, I know. Hey do you think they will finally let you eat" "I doubt it. I broke Dudley's nose I'll be lucky if ever see food again"

I had broken Dudley's nose not to long ago and they had been starving me for... It will be two weeks now this Sunday. " (Y/N)!!!!" that was Aunt petunia, im so screwed "look Harry I better go maybe they will let up on the beatings if I don't burn the food" Harry looked at me like I was dying, god I hated it when he did that, but he has a reason to, I am disgusting, I am emaciated, and I have bruises all over my body from the beatings.

I turned around and walked out of the cupboard that Harry and I shared. Once I was out of the cupboard I turned the corner to walk into the kitchen, as soon as I walked in I heard harry walk in behind me to get started on his chores. I turned towards the counter to get the pots and pans that I would need for breakfast, " OI, (Y\N) DO YOU THINK YOU COULD GET ANY SKINNIER BECAUSE I THINK YOU CAN, HOPEFULLY ONE DAY YOU'LL JUST DIE" I recognized that voice to belong to your fat cousin, Dudley " oh yeah Dudley," I felt Harry grab my wrist as a signal to calm down but I couldn't take it anymore so I snapped " WELL FOR YOUR INFORMATION DUDLEY, THERE IS A VERY POSSIBLE CHANCE THAT I WILL DROP DEAD ANY DAY NOW BECAUSE YOUR SHIT PARENTS AREN'T FEEDING ME AT ALL " the grip Harry had on my wrist got tighter to the point were I couldn't feel it but I didn't care so I kept yelling " BUT MY DEAREST FAT ASS OF A COUSIN, WITHOUT ME AROUND WHO WOULD COOK YOUR SUPPER" things were starting to fly off the walls but I didn't notice at the moment but in knew that the people in front of me were sure as hell noticing it " NOW IF YOU EXCUSE ME IM GOING TO GO AND GET THE DAMN MORNING POST FOR YOUR UNGRATEFUL FAT ASS" I said as I pointed to Uncle Vernon and stormed out of the kitchen.

I knew I was going to get a beating worse than ever before in a couple of minutes but at this point I really didn't care, maybe this time this final beating would kill me and I could leave this awful world but I couldn't do that to Harry so that means i would have to push forward and take all the beatings so Harry could be almost bruise free ( I may can stop Vernon's beatings and some of Dudley's but I can't stop all of Dudley's beatings) I was shaken from my thoughts when I saw mine and Harry's name on two separate letters without thinking I picked them both up and walked into the kitchen with them I handed Harry his and he wore the same expression that I did of other shock, I handed Uncle Vernon the mail and then proceeded to open my letter.

That is until Dudley and his fat sausage fingers ripped mine and Harry's letter out of our hand and yelled " LOOK DAD, (Y/N) AND HARRY HAVE GOT LETTER'S" he shook them viciously in Uncle Vernon's face. " Who would be writing to you?" he took one look at the letter then at Aunt Petunia, then at me and Harry. he then handed the letter to Aunt Petunia, she took one look at and she looked at Uncle Vernon, and then proceeded to look at me and Harry just as Uncle Vernon did, she then looked at Uncle Vernon one more time, they both shook their heads and said in unison "Oh, No"

Hey ya'll how did you like it i decided to make it a two parter since i kept ya'll all, waiting long enough but anyway see ya'll next chapter. I do hope you enjoyed it and please give me criticism and feedback it really means alot bc i truly do want to know how to make the story better. and like give me some suggestions like what house do you want to be in and who should your love intrest be leading up to fed and george, you know that time of stuff. Anyways bye for know, LOVE YA'LL

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