Loki's chatroom

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*Authors note : forgive me, but my story may have some glitches, but not all of you will see them*#Wattys2015


(Avengers are online)

Thor: avengers

Avengers:yes Thor

Thor: I think somethings wrong with Loki

Tony: What do u think is wrong with him

Thor: He hasn't eaten or left his room in 5 days

Clint: Why don't u invite Loki on

(Thor has invited Loki)


Natasha: Loki whats wrong?

Thor: yes brother whats the matter?

Loki: I think I made a major mistake

Tony: what mistake have u made?

Loki: I cant say here

Tony:why not Loki?

(Loki has logged off)

Steve: what was that about?

Thor: Loki just went to Midgard

Clint: what why?

Thor: how should I know?

(Loki has logged on)

Thor: brother

Loki: I am not ur brother u oaf

Tony: harsh Loki

Loki:shut up scrap metal man

Natasha: Loki why r u being mean

Loki: shut up u mewling quim

Natasha: ..........

Loki: Ill shut up now

Natasha:thats right Loki just shut up

(Tony's worst nightmare has logged on)

Tony's worst nightmare: Loki change my name

(Tony's worst nightmare has become Pepper)

Pepper: Tony u have a meeting now come on

Tony: coming

(Tony has logged off)

(Everyone has logged off)

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