Trust Me

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{A/N: The lines in this indicate time skips! I know there's a few. Enjoy!

Also, What I DID NOT KNOW is that YOU COULD ADD GIFS AT THE START OF CHAPTERS. That changes the game, boiiiii.

Haha okay, now enjoy!
~ Britt}


"Bao! Bao!" Iroh and Korra landed next to me on solid ground, or, stone, at least. "We were only gone for a few seconds! What happened? What did you do to make it go away?"

"I didn't." I held my head in my hand, and Iroh placed his on my shoulder, kneeling down to ensure I wasn't injured. It was useless to ask him to stop doing that in front of everyone all the time, and it didn't matter anyway (not that it ever did to the degree I worried needlessly over) as this occasion was one in which very few people noticed or cared about how we interacted. Once everyone realised we could finally safely return home, our reunion became one of many. The sun shined down upon us, as the seas ran calmer than ever. It was as though a miracle had been granted.

"I think you might just be magic!" Bolin yelped, leading a few other earthbenders our way, including a bemused Ma-Ling. "You made it leave!"

"I didn't!" I inhaled. "It's not gone." I worked hard to stand, and Iroh helped me to my feet. "Korra." I sighed. "This may sound crazy, but I think I talked to it, and it understood me."

She shrugged. "I don't think it's crazy. I do think it was stupid to do my job, though." She seemed annoyed. "What did you say?"

"I talked about peace. I-I tried to see if it understood we didn't want to hurt it. I think it listened. Then I mentioned you, Iroh, and Republic City. Then it left. It went where I pointed."

"What?!" Korra yelled, suddenly hostile. "You mean you led it on?"

"No! I was just trying to-"

"We need to get back on your ship," Iroh perked up at her interruption. "and call the rest of the fleet."

"About time." He smiled, putting his arm around me, leaving me no room to get worked up over my mistake, or to discuss it with him or anyone else. We had to go. Fast.

We were back Iroh's ship within the hour, and luckily, the technology to radio the rest of the UF brigade was still in tact. In fact, everything was. Nothing changed, there were no damages, which meat we were right to leave it. We sent out a message to those on board the other vessels, and they confirmed what we feared. The officers of rank had agreed to send a portion of the battleships onward, towards the city, while a select few remained, awaiting a signal from their leader. The ones closest to the harbor were able to alert the men at the docks, who reported the arrival of the very spirit I had sent there. It was going to destroy a solid portion of, if not the majority of my home, where I grew up, and there was very little we could do to stop it. We were still too far away. If it started attacking, we couldn't all make it back in time.

"Asami." Iroh spoke. "Could you put us on one of those planes?"

"Who?" She was only asking for specifics, already in agreement.

He turned to look at me, then to Korra. "Let's bring it back."

"What?" I yelled. "No way!" Several nearby men seemed to agree. "Someone has to lead us! We can't send The Avatar, you, the General of this entire fleet, and me, the apparently skilled navigator, off alone to lead that thing back to us!"

"Not here." Korra replied. "I think we should guide it back to Ember Island."

"What?" I scoffed this time. "Why Ember Island?"

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