Chapter 4

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I didn't get to see Jason for the rest of the day, Mrs Catrin made sure of it. It seems like she was following me around, listening closely to all my conversations with Henry, which was usually just him talking and winking at me while I tried not to strangle him. I'm telling you, there's something up with this Henry Davidson. He gives me the creeps, almost as much as Mrs Catrin does, which is pretty high! The weird thing was, my schedule was slightly different to his, meaning when I had Latin and he had PE he'd just follow me into Latin and take that instead of PE. And he seemed to always be watching me, winking or grinning at me. I'm sure it's just nothing but I get this weird feeling around him. I'm not sure how to describe it but I feel annoyed, agitated, embarrassed and even scared all at once around him. I'm sure there's a logical explanation for it, I'm all about logic. I walked into the chemistry classroom, sliding into the seat next to Jason. I was sure that Henry had art this period so hopefully I won't be seeing him, but with him there's no telling where he'll be.

'Where were you all day?' Jason asked suspiciously. I shrugged.

'Henry Davidson, the idiot' I told him. Jason laughed.

'Just making sure you still like me' he said in between short snickers.

'I don't' I said, exchanging a smile with him. He nudged me sarcastically.

'OK class' our science teacher boomed. 'Today we are having a surprise pop quiz on the elements of the Periodic table'.

'Why!' I moaned.

'Mrs Milgrow' he yelled at me. I nodded. 'List all the Alkali Metals. In order please'. I stood up and glanced around the room nervously. Eyes were on me. I watched Mr Browne pull out a detention slip out of his desk, knowing that I hadn't done my homework and memorised the whole Periodic table. I gulped.

'Um' I stuttered. 'There's Hydrogen, uh, Lithium, Sodium, P-Potassium, Ces-sorry, um, Rubidium, Cesium, and, um' I looked down at Jason discreetly for the last one.

'Francium' he mouthed.

'And Francium' I finished confidently. Mr Browne looked at me suspiciously as he unclicked the pen and put it, as well as the slips, back down on his desk.

'Correct' he said slowly. I nodded and sat back down quickly. Jason flicked me softly on the knee.

'You owe me' He whispered. I rolled my eyes.

'Yeah, sure. What do you wan't then?' I whispered back.

'You could come to my family reunion dinner this weekend' he suggested. I shrugged.

'OK, that's enough of the quiz for today. I must admit, I am very dissppointed in most of you' Mr Browne said solemnly. 'Now open your books to chapter five, I expect you to take notes'.

'Ok, fine. As long as your eight year old cousin doesn't start hitting on me again, like he did in the park that time'. I shuddered at the memory. Jason laughed quietly.

'I'll make sure he doesn't' he promised. 'And he's ten' he added quickly. I shrugged.

'Whatever' I said, leaning on my elbows. I opened up my book and started jotting down what Mr Browne was writing on the white board.


As soon as the bell rang, I ran down excitedly to the drama room. Today we were getting our parts for the play we were doing this year. As I ran down the hall, I passed Emily, who was also heading for drama. I slowed down and started walking with her.

'Hey' she smiled.

'Hi Em' I replied.

'I am so excited about preforming The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe!' She yelled.

'Me too! What part did you audition for?' I asked her excitedly.

'Susan Pevensie' she said proudly.

'Cool. I'm sure you'll get the part' I told her reassuringly. She blushed.

'Thanks' she said kindly. 'What part did you audition for?' I shrugged.

'The witch' I admitted. 'But I'll probably get the stunt double'. She laughed.

'Kate!' I heard someone calling behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned to see Henry behind me.

'What?' I spat. 'You're gonna make me late'. Henry looked down at the floor and started fiddling with his fingers awkwardly. I nodded. 'Oh I see, did you forget which class you have again? Well I'll tell you it's defiantly not drama or the "how to be an idiot" class. You're way to advanced for that one' I said. He smiled.

'Um, no. Actually I was wondering if, um, if you wanted to go to the movies,um, with me after school on Friday?' He stuttered. I was shocked. Did he just ask me out? I was about to turn him down when I remembered the bet I was in with Emily, Anna, Maggie and Zoe. I thought about it for a while, anxiety grew in Henry's eyes. Finally, I sighed.

'Sure, I'd love to' I told him, as kindly as I could. I could see Henry's face brighten.

'Cool' he said casually. 'See you Friday then?' I nodded and continued walking to drama, keeping at a good pace so that I wasn't late.

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