9. The Dinner Party (Part Two)

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9. The Dinner Party (Part Two)


They all trooped downstairs with varying expressions on their faces. Harriet hid a scowl, Amelia frowned nervously, and James and Clara were the only ones with hesitant smiles. Clara only hoped that their worries would be for nothing.

They paused their stepfamily came into view at the bottom of the large wooden staircase. Guests were already arriving, their chattering echoing through the room and their vibrant gowns seemed to glow under the chandelier light. Their stepmother looked livid, and Clara could imagine why. Linette never liked things to be out of her control. Linette shooed Harriet, Amelia, and James all into the parlor, and thrust a platter of food into Clara's arms.

"Stand in the corner and do not say a word to anyone," she sneered as she steered Clara into a corner of the parlor. Clara nodded in agreement. She didn't really want to talk to anyone, anyway, she'd rather observe.

As more and more guests arrived, Clara watched from her corner. Her stepmother was clearly in her element, playing the part of dignified hostess, but for all of their endless talk over the past few days, her step-sisters looked decidedly out of place amongst the guests. Clara couldn't help but overhear a number of her step-sisters' social faux pas.

Currently, her stepsisters' were conversing with three of the guests, not noticing their barely hidden frowns as her stepsisters' had literally elbowed their way into a conversation with them.

"Why isn't that hilarious? I can hardly believe my luck when I heard it from Lady Brighton just a week ago. To think that she almost married a lowly clergyman!" Edina stated, snorting as the guests looked on in distaste. What Edina didn't know was that one of the men she was talking to was the wealthier cousin of said clergyman. Clara almost couldn't bear to watch as many of Edina's and Estella's consisted of saying misheard gossip to the wrong people.

"She looks so large, I hope she's well." This was on the subject of a woman Estella didn't know was with child.

"My word he's far too somber." This was said of a man that Edina didn't realize had just lost his father.

"What an atrocious dress!" This was by far the worst instance, as it was said to the mother of the owner of the dress. Most of the night went on like this, however, Clara was distracted during the evening by a couple coming up to her.

"Are you of any relation to those three children over there, the Cordens? You look very similar to them," a man commented as he took an appetizer from Clara's tray. Clara hesitated. If she answered truthfully, it would put Linette in a bad light, but if she lied then she'd feel rather guilty. This was the first person to speak to her all night, after all.

"Yes, they are my younger siblings." The man and woman stared at her in barely disguised shock.

"You're their sister? Then why are you not over there enjoying yourself? Surely you are already out in society."

"My stepmother wanted my help with the party," Clara said trying to deflect their questions.

"So you are out then? You must be older than those two."

"I'm seventeen, sir," Clara answered, and the woman frowned.

"Well, this simply won't do. Here give me the tray." Clara didn't let go. "Relax, darling, you weren't getting anyone over here to eat them anyway, especially not with that grimace of yours." With that, the woman took the tray from Clara's grasp and swiftly set it onto a low lying table not far away, before coming back. "Alright, now, come with me."

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