Chapter 24

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"Mate" was the only word I caught as he moved closer to me and I stood up. From the amount of power he radiates he was the Beta of this pack. I wasn't about to be trapped in this pack for the rest of my life. Just like Em, I didn't belong here. Me and her belonged out in the open. Not in a pack run by three hard headed men.

I knew it was gonna be hard for Em to be the Luna of an entire pack. She was shy when you first got to know her and even then she was quiet and kind of antisocial. I loved her but those weren't the best traits for a Luna to have.

The man in front of me took another step forward and I moved around to the other side of his so he couldn't trap me. "Come here" he said. "I'm good" I replied casually, like we were having an everyday conversation. "I said come here" he growled. I shrugged and walked away as he followed "Nah I don't feel like it." I could tell I was making him angry and it was honestly amusing.

"Why not" he asked stopping so I stopped two. "Just don't feel like it" I said. His jaw clenched as did his fists. Maybe I was pushing him a little to far, but that wasn't about to stop me. He might think he was stronger than me but he wasn't. He started walking closer and I let him until he tried to pin me against the wall. I used my magic to stop him in his tracks and move away. Then Kace came running around the corner looking horror struck "she's gone" he said.

I immediately took off and went to go get Oliver. It would be unlike Em to run away like that but then again she was desperate not to go back. I was starting to wonder if she hadn't told us everything. What if Kace had beaten her to try and make her submit. But then again she could have been kidnapped by someone.

As soon as I made it back home I found Oliver and drug him along with me. "What in the world. Alex what's wrong" he said running to keep up with me.
"Em is missing" I gasped lungs already burning but I kept running for Em. After we made it a good ways away from our home we shifted. Oliver's wolf was grey and large. Mine was light brown and a good bit smaller than Olivers but not really small.

We tried picking up Ems scent but it was no where. We even tracked it straight from the room she was in. I knew then she had to have been taken. There was no way Em could cover her tracks that well even though she was very good at it.

We searched all through the night until the sun came back up. Rain clouds started to roll in meaning we had to find Em fast before the rain washed her scent away entirely. Then we wouldn't even have a lead to actually get us somewhere besides running through the woods like maniacs. But Em was stronger than she knew even after what she's been through. I was the only one she had told the entire story to.

Emmeline was an Omega which meant she was at the bottom of the pack hierarchy. Her own family was ashamed of her and would ignore her and best her even if she did nothing wrong. If she so niches as tripped in public it earned her being abused. Which was a cruel way to grow up. The only person who cared about her was her aunt. She would usually go there after her parents beat her so her aunt could put ice on her bruises and clean her wounds. The only way she knew what love was, was by her aunt caring so much. If not Emmeline probably wouldn't even know what the word live meant. Emmeline told me about how her aunt told her stories about the amazing ways mates had found each other. Emmeline had dreamed of one day finding her mate but as she got older she realized no one would want to be mates with an Omega. Which didn't help her broken heart after her aunt and sister were both killed. But know she knew Kace was the one who had her parents killed. Which didn't help the fact they were to one day be mates. I think the hardest thing for Emmeline though was losing the only person who cared about her. The only person who noticed she existed. The only person who had paid attention to her. The only person who took care of her or noticed her injuries. The only person who knew how to cheer her up. Then add the fact she lost her sister, was almost killed, and was forced to become a rogue and defend herself at a young age all in the same day had to be harsh. Then being shot and us finding her. Many people actually didn't realize how broken she was. Which was probably the only reason me and Oliver were her friends. We knew she needed protecting and we felt bad for her. If we hadn't felt bad for her she would've just needed up dying on her own. It made you realize after all this time she still didn't have someone that truly cared about her.

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