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the shoulder; instead, she nearly had her arm ripped out of its socket as someone yanked her around to face them. She first registered the mane of fiery red hair, then the freckles. Ginevra Weasley. Or Potter, now, according to the magazines.

"What are you doing here, Granger?" the other witch spat. Literally, Hermione had to wipe the her spit off of her face.

"I'm talking to people."

"What makes you think that you're welcome?"

"I was invited, see, so I'm pretty sure that I'm welcome."

Ginny sneered. "Not by us." She motioned to herself, and then behind her, at Ron and Lavender, the latter looking as though she just wanted the floor to swallow her whole.

"I'm pretty sure that you're not hosting this reunion, and I'm also pretty sure that your opinion on my being here doesn't really matter," said Hermione coolly.

"Do you realize how upsetting your presence is for Ronald, here?" demanded Ginny, motioning behind her towards her brother.

"If anything, it should be me upset that he's here," Hermione replied.

"And why is that? You were the one who broke his heart, and in such a cruel way."

Hermione looked over Ginny's shoulder at Ron, raising her eyebrows. "Is that what you all think? What exactly did you tell them, Ronald?"

Before Ron could answer, Ginny did it for him. "He told us that you didn't show up for your anniversary date, for no reason at all, that you were sitting at home all day enjoying yourself, while he sat there waiting for hours!" Ron flushed at this; he didn't want everyone to think that he had been a naive, desperate boy, even if it happened nineteen years ago. By now, the entire room was watching the exchange between the two witches.

"That's not what happened at all," said Hermione, still calm. "The night before our anniversary, I caught Ron cheating on me with Lavender Brown." Everyone gasped at this. "So, yes, I did blow Ron off, but I think you'll find that I did have a very good reason. Later that day, he came to my house and began screaming at me, insulting me, and he admitted that he had been cheating on me for ten months. Ten months! Naturally, I ended things then and there, and, apparently, he ran off to Lavender." It hurt to have to talk about the incident, but Hermione knew that it was time for everyone to know the truth.

Ginny swore at Hermione, calling her a liar. "She's making this up, isn't she, Ron, Lavender?" Ginny swiveled around, facing her brother and his wife.

"Of course she is," said Ron immediately. "She's just trying to turn everyone against me and make you look stupid. She was always jealous of you."

"Am I lying, Lavender?" asked Hermione softly. Everyone turned towards her. The pregnant witch had been studying her shoes, not having said a word the entire time. "Am I?" asked Hermione again, in the same low voice, when Lavender didn't answer.

Lavender glanced up at Ron, who gave her a warning glare. She gulped.

Ron knew this would be the end. Lavender couldn't keep a secret to save her life.

"W-well, she... I... er, we," Lavender stuttered.

"Out with it, weasel!" someone from the crowd shouted.

"She's telling the truth!" Lavender yelled, and then burst into tears. The room gasped collectively.

"What?" whispered Ginny, looking between her brother and sister-in-law.

Lavender began speaking again, her words mixed in with sobs, "Ron c-came to me... a couple months after he s-started dating Hermione... and then Hermione found out, and broke up with him... and I've been feeling guilty all these years... and, oh, Hermione, I am so, so sorry!" Lavender burst into tears again, with renewed vigor.

"What? Ron, you lied to everyone for nineteen years?" asked Ginny, now mortified at her behavior towards Hermione. She would never hear the end of this...

"I can't believe you!" Ron bellowed at Lavender. "Are you trying to ruin our lives? Just-- Don't even bother to come home!" Lavender sobbed again.

He stormed out of the Great Hall, his sister hesitating for a second before following him out, wanting an explanation and an escape from the stares. Whispers broke out in the hall.

"All right, all right, nothing to see here, move along," said Professor McGonogall, coming up and ushering people away from Hermione and Lavender, who were still standing there.

"H-Hermione, I'm really, really, really sorry," Lavender kept saying.

"Relax, Lavender," said Hermione, not unkindly. "It's been almost twenty years, and I honestly think that you did me a favor, from the way I saw him acting tonight and the way he treated you."

Harry finally came up and put an arm around his sister-in-law's shoulder. "Calm down, Lavender, this isn't good for the babies," he said, reminding her of the twins she was carrying. "I would let you stay at mine and Ginny's, but I'm not sure how she's acting. I'm positive that Molly will let you stay at the Burrow, though." He looked up. "Nice to see you, Hermione."

Hermione watched as Harry led Lavender out of the Great Hall to take her to the Burrow. Once they were out of sight, Hermione turned around.

"Wow," said Blaise. "That was even more dramatic than those soap operas Abella watches." Abella elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to look down. "Not the right time?" Hermione giggled.

This was definitely not what anyone had been expecting to happen tonight, though it admittedly had been pretty funny to watch the Weasleys make fools of themselves, especially for the former Slytherins. And, luckily for the Malfoys, the others from their year took the news of the their marriage very well, surprised at first, but then happy for the couple.


Ron sat at the small table in the corner of his hotel room. A week ago, the day after the reunion, actually, Lavender had come back to their house and kicked him out, yelling that he'd be hearing from her lawyer and to be ready to fill out divorce forms. He hadn't seen any of his children since, which bugged him, because he no longer had anyone to take his anger out on. And he had a lot of anger.

Sighing, Ron picked up an issue of the Daily Prophet that he had neglected reading ever since he got here, since he had a good idea of what he would find in it. Now, though, his curiosity had gotten the better of him, and he flipped the paper from July 13 over to the front cover to see this headline:


     Underneath was a picture of he and Ginny yelling at an annoyingly calm Hermione. Instead of reading the article, he flipped it over, to see another headline that he had not seen coming.


No longer a Granger, Hermione arrived last night at her twenty year Hogwarts reunion with her husband of thirteen years, none other than Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater and owner of Malfoy Industries.

Ron stared at the paper in horror, and let loose a shout that could be heard all throughout the hotel.



DISCLAIMER: Everything belongs to J.K. Rowling.

A/N: Hey guys, thank you so much for reading. Have any suggestions on a story you'd like to read? Tell me!

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