1. Chapter 13

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As the dark mass plummeted towards the subway, Graves and Newt cowered as their impending doom descended rapidly. Newt clenched onto (Name) tightly and squeezed his eyes shut, but all became still as a loud voice echoed over the tracks:

"CREDENCE, NO!" Loud footsteps pattered along the train tracks as Tina ran. The Obscurus froze at the sound of her voice, stopped inches away from the petrified face of Mr. Graves. It rose slowly, and the creature's calmed, its ashes flowing slowly within the dark mess. Tina looked into its clouded eyes, walking toward it slowly. "Don't do this- please."

"Keep talking, Tina. Keep talking to him- he'll listen to you. He's listening." Newt encouraged her as he cradled his best friend in his arms; he stood up off of the tracks.

Tina's efforts to calm were achieving great things, as Credence's form now reached out toward the woman, desperate for her unconditional kindness for him.

"I know what that woman did to you... I know that you've suffered... You need to stop this now... We will protect you..." Tina said gently, gesturing to herself and her pair of friends on the tracks. Her movements became harsh as she pointed to Graves; "This man- he's is using you-"

"Don't listen to her, Credence. I want you to be free. It's all right," Graves interrupted, riling up the boy. Tina,however, stepped forward, and Credence became calm again, shrinking down further into his human form.

"That's it..." Tina encouraged. She stepped forward again, but dozens of Aurors began to quickly trickle through the subway tunnel and down the platform steps, yanking out their wands and pointing them, almost accusingly, toward the Obscurial. Tina, on the brink of tears, cried out; "Shh! Dont! You'll frighten him." Credence, however, was intimidated by the intrusion of the foreign wizards, and he disintegrated into a whining, swollen mass once again. Tina stood in front of him, desperately trying to protect him with her small form. A stumbling Newt followed soon after; he had placed (Name) against a sturdy pillar to keep her out of harm's way. Graves aggressively yelled toward the Aurors, pointing his wand at them.

"Wands down! Anyone harms him- they'll answer to me," Graves turned back to the forming Obscurial, "Credence!"

"Credence..." Tina muttered, before gasping at the bombardment of spells that began to litter across the Obscurus' form. Graves yelled, but his cry was drowned out by the excruciating scream that erupted from Credence's alter form, the ground shuddering in accordance. The spells, unfortunately, didn't cease until the creature suddenly imploded into a blinding ball of white light, causing all onlookers to stumble back in shock. The light faded in an instant, and the only remnants of Credence's monster was its destruction and the dark ashes that floated in wisps to the ground. Newt stood, teetering on his feet slightly, as he took in the emotionally draining experience he witnessed. Tina was on the floor, sobbing quietly as she crumbled deeper into the floor.

"You fools! Do you realise what you've done?" Graves barked, his face the epitome of disgust. Madam Picquery walked out from behind her Aurors. Graves' expression remained grotesque.

"The Obscurial was killed on my orders, Mr. Graves," Picquery said sternly. Graves scoffed.

"Yes. And history will surely note that, Madam President." He threateningly moved toward her. "What was done here tonight was not right!"

"He was responsible for the death of a No-Maj. He risked the exposure of our community. He has broken one of our most sacred laws-" Madam Picquery was interrupted by a grim laugh.

"A law that has us scuttling like rats in the gutter! A law that demand that we conceal our true nature! A law that direct those under its dominion to cower in fear lest we risk discovery! I ask you, Madam President- I ask all of you- who does this law protect? Us?" He gestured upward to the No-Majs on the streets above them," Or them?" He simpered. "I refuse to bow down any longer." He began walking away from the Aurors.

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