Second Afterlife Chapter 12

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--------Orihime's POV--------

I can't believe it. Toshiro and Karin are now engaged. "Karin" I asked.

"Yes, Oriheme."

"May I help you with all of the preparations, like the dress, the invitations, and telling Ichigo?" I could tell that she was happy that I wanted to help her. She nodded. "YAY!!! I knew that you didn't want Toshiro to come because Ichigo would become suspicious, isn't that right?"

"Yes, Oriheme. You hit the nail on the head with that." Then she turned to her fiancé. "So, when is this wedding going to be held?"

Toshiro looked out into space then said, "How about July 17?" Karin's eyes widened.

"That would be great, Toshiro." Then she kissed his cheek. I started to freak out. July 17 was only 20 days away.

"Karin, Toshiro...I mean, Captain Hitsugaya, July 17 is 20 days away. Are you sure that everything will be ready by then?" They both nodded. "Well, alright then. Karen, we had better go get your dress and tell Ichigo." With that, we left.

--------Karin's POV--------

Oriheme and I left to go get a wedding dress for me. "What about this one, Karin?"

I just looked at it. "I don't like the design on that one. I do like this one, though." After about 3 hours of looking for a dress, I found one that I liked very much. Then we were on our way to the hospital. When we reached Ichigo's room, he was eating some pizza.

"Hey, Karin and Orihime. What are you guys doing here?" he asked, with pizza still in his mouth.

I smiled at him. "Can you at least finish the pizza in your mouth. There is no way I am going to tell you the news when your mouth is full of pizza." He rolled his eyes and finished the bite of pizza that was in his mouth.

"OK, now what have you come to tell me, sis?" I looked at Orihime then back at Ichigo.

"Well, I came to tell you..." I started to say. I had to pause because I didn't know how Ichigo was going to react to this. I am so glad that Toshiro came up with the idea that he did.

"Well, come on, sis. I don't have all day." I could tell that Ichigo was becoming impatient.

"Yeah you do. You won't be released from the hospital for another week." I glared at him. I could tell that he got the point now. "I came to tell you that...I am getting married."

His eyes instantly widened. One of Ichigo's rare smiles began to appear on his face. "W...well I am so happy for you, sis. Who is the guy?"

"All I can tell you is that it is someone you know. I told him. I could tell that he wanted to know more. "There are a couple of people who know. I will not tell you who they re because I don't want you to get any bright ideas." Then he started to pout. "Don't be sad, Ichigo. You will be able to know who it is on July 17."

"Fine. I am still really happy for you. Does dad and Yuzu know yet?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Well, you better get going. Knowing dad, he could probably sense this conversation, even with him being 13 rooms away from us. Then Orihime and I said good bye and left for my dad's room.

knock knock

"Come in" I heard a voice say. Orihime and I came in and saw my dad. It looked like he was getting ready to go home.

"So they finally letting you out of this place?" Dad nodded.

I am glad that I am able to get out. I heard that Yuzu is going to be able to get out today, too."

I just stared at him . "Really?" He nodded his head. "Well, when we get you out, we'll grab Yuzu and go home. When we get there, I have to tell you guys something."

Dad's eyes widened. "Really! Well let's go!" Then he was out of the room and was off to Yuzu's so we could pick her up.


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