Please read 😬

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Um I figured I should share my English speech as you guys like my writing but then this English speech I've wrote based on body image . I hope you guys like it!

Do you think body image runs around the way you see yourself? Or the image others see you as? Around 91% of women are said to feel unhappy with themselves , result to diets. Diets may make them feel happier with themselves or the way they see themselves because of the loss in weight or change in shape .

Mentally it can affect how you think or the actions you might take to prove others opinions wrong or even prove yourself wrong . In some ways it relates back to anorexic or even body disorders itself . Peer pressure from home , school or the internet can cause or trigger so many things like anorexic or disorders .

People feel pressured because of the things they've been told e.g. ' your fat ' or ' your stomach isn't flat enough ' instantly some people might laugh or take it seriously . Others can make different people feel so low of themselves , it sets everything off . Never mind if you have things going on at home or school sometimes when your growing up it starts to matter to others and then it matters to you because it matters to them.

Did you ever question your worth? Did others ever push you down and say so many things you questioned whether anything is still worth anything? It's said around 81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat . 10 year olds who aren't even supposed to worry about their bodies or whether they are fat or not . They shouldn't care but because of society , everything matters to everyone .

Sometimes when we speak about body image or issues surrounding body image , girls are instantly mentioned because of their make up or the way they might dress . But body image I think includes everyone , no matter gender or sexuality etc . Both boys and girls or even people who are genderless feel the same . They wonder if they are ever gonna fit into society or if the next time they walk down the corridor who's gonna call them out . Whether their friends or so called friends are gonna spend every minute telling them how fat they are or whether they need a diet .

This society is buried in appearance , no make up? Your ugly . No fancy clothes? Your not normal . No nice hair? Your disgusting . Everyone gets that fear , the fear of not being enough for you or enough for everyone surrounding that person . As soon as it sinks in , they question ' what purpose do I have left? Are we here to just put up fronts for others? Are we to just drown in society and expect the feelings to go numb?' From that person you used to be , to the person who spends every minute obsessing over whether your perfect or not .

Around 58% of college girls feel pressured to be a certain weight/shape. Some girls feel the need or pressure to wear make up or dress a certain way . Would you listen to others? Or wouldn't you care? Body image includes everyone , not just girls or just boys but both genders and the gender less . No matter shape or size , no one is perfect . Everyone has this idea of perfect , maybe if my stomach was thinner it or I was thinner then others . But remember nobody is perfect .

Sorry it's so long. But I hope you show your support & love , thank you ☺️

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