Chapter 27

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Joshua sat at the back of the church with Tommy and Nate. Hannah had pleaded to sit up front with Grandma Doris. Joshua could hear his little darling at the front of the church singing out with her young child voice. Her little heart so open to singing praises to God. It touched him and helped heal the brokenness of his heart that Payton had shattered earlier that morning. Joshua bounced Nate on his lap and it wasn't long until the tot was sound asleep. Tommy was nodding off next to him but the five year old boy was to old to be nodding off in church so Joshua woke him and encouraged him to listen to what the minister was preaching on. Joshua felt like such a hypocrite. He was finding it hard himself to focus on the minister's message this morning and he was expecting a five year old boy to focus on it... Today was one of those days he missed Bro. Patrick. That man had a connection to the Lord and when he spoke you wanted to attain that same connection. He made you feel like it was possible. Joshua missed that. He also missed his visits with him. He knew if Bro. Patrick were still here he could confide in him what was going on with Payton and he would have some solid, sound advice for him. He couldn't help but feel alone.

"I'm sorry Lord." he thought, "I know you're here just like you were when Bro. Patrick was alive. You're the same God You were then and You're the same God now. I just want to know how to help Payton. What is wrong? Why won't she come to church or even to town? Please show me what is going on..."

It wasn't long till services were over. Joshua was bombarded as usual with people asking after Payton. He encouraged everyone of the ladies to come out and visit. He hoped that if she got to missing her friends enough that maybe she would decide to come back. He saw Malissia and James by their wagon. Malissia was eyeing him and he started to make his way over to them. She saw him and turned to get into the wagon. Joshua couldn't help but feel like Malissia knew what was wrong and he was determined to get to her before they left. He was only fifteen feet away when Mrs. Banks stopped him.

"OH, Joshua!" she gushed grasping his wrist. "I'm so glad to see that you and Payton took heed of my advice. I simply was appalled by Doris that day. How rude she was to me...  I was only trying to help but I see that Payton agreed with me and not Doris...."

Joshua stepped back confused as to what the old woman was blabbering on and on about. "how's that Mrs. Banks?" he asked with no patience andwatching James getting into the wagon. He was just about to excuse himself and make a run for their wagon...

"Oh," she said, "You know, keeping that child at home."

Joshua stopped and stared at Mrs. Banks. "You told her what?!" he asked.

Gertrude's hand went to grasp the neck of her dress. Her double chin sat on top of her fat hand. "She didn't tell you about our conversation?"


"Oh, well I assumed.... I mean the two of you are married and most married couples don't hide such things from one another.... I assume it makes sense. I wouldn't want to burden Mr. Banks with such a thing but then again it would never happen to us. All of our children are healthy.  I mean surely you saw she wasn't normal. So sad..." she said clicking her tongue. "I'm glad Payton heeded my advice and didn't bring that baby out to town. I mean its just not safe...."

"Safe for whom?" he asked. He was confused and growing angry by her words.

"Well, I mean with her being sick." she paused and then rephrased, "Well, her being a Mongoloid child, it wouldn't be safe for any of us. Her included. I told Payton, they have places you can send children like that.  I'm just so sorry you both have to suffer like this. But you know its best for everyone. Like I told Payton, People like that just aren't meant to be out in the world with normal folks. Its so sad. I just don't know why God would let someone like that be born. Its not like they can really DO anything or BE anyone....."

Joshua stared at the woman in front of him. If she had been MR. Banks he was sure he would have hit her. The garbage spewing out of her mouth was unbelievable.

"You're talking about my daughter? About Grace?"

"Oh Joshua, you can't think of her like that. I mean she really isn't like a REAL daughter."

Joshua balled his hands into fist and shoved them into his pockets so he wouldn't end up hitting this STUPID WOMAN. "She IS my REAL daughter. Just as much real as Hannah..."

"Oh, I know she has your blood but that doesn't really matter..."

"It matters very much Mrs. Banks!" Joshua didn't care that people were starting to stare at him. "Its Ignorant people like you who have gotten my wife so discouraged she doesn't want to leave the house! My Wife and MY daughter will both be here come next Sunday morning. Our family is very proud of Grace. And just for the record she has been placed in a home!"

Gertrude gasp, "Oh!"

"OUR HOME! GOD himself placed her there and when GOD does something HE does it right. So just in case you are wondering MRS. GERTRUDE BANKS, you can go and tell whomever you please that our daughter will be OUT with NORMAL people. And No, she's not normal. She's special as are ALL of my children. AND frankly Mrs. Banks, If YOU are what is normal I don't want any of my children to be normal. GOOD DAY TO YOU!"

Joshua turned to see everyone staring at the pair. Most were gaping, their mouths open. They all pretended to not be staring when he looked at them. Joshua waved to his children to come and they all ran to him. Doris picked up her step also. Afraid of being left behind. Joshua caught sight of James and Malissia out of the corner of his eye. He could see that Malissia was steeped in regret but he didn't care. His only concern was to go home to his wife and comfort and hold her. He also wanted to hold his very precious daughter and thank God once again for such a special gift.

Doris climbed into the wagon without his help and Joshua, a little ashamed of himself, didn't really care to help the woman. She had apparently known what Gertrude Banks had said to his wife and how she had hurt her and yet she had remained silent. He was hurt. He understood Payton's reasons for keeping quiet but he didn't understand Doris'. He made sure everyone was sitting and then he slapped the horses with the reins. They set out at a fast gallop....

The Reason For Grace (Sequel to A Reason To Stay)Where stories live. Discover now