The One at the Hospital

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Chapter 50 The One at the Hospital

The moment the crystal went dead, Merlin grabbed Arthur's arm and transported them just outside Bathilda Bagshot's house, tracing the magic through the crystal. They landed in front of the gate and the moment Merlin's feet touched solid grounds again, he could sense that the trio was gone.

Sighing in relief that they had managed to escape, the second after he felt a magic so dark and twisted that he almost bent over and emptied his stomach right then and there, but he managed to stay standing and looked over at Arthur who looked around, searching for any threats, his sword ready.

"Arthur," Merlin croaked out and the man in question turned to look at him.


"Merlin?" Arthur asked when he saw how pale Merlin had become. "What's wrong? Are they still in there?"

"No," Merlin shook his head and Arthur could see how he fought to keep standing. "They are gone."

"Then we need to go after them." Arthur said, not knowing why Merlin was hesitating.

"Contact them with this." Merlin tossed him an object that Arthur quickly identified as the crystal Ron had been calling through earlier.

"Will it work with me? I'm not magic?" Arthur eyed the crystal, careful not to drop it.

"Yes," Merlin nodded but his attention seemed to be turned towards the house. "Just say their name and they will answer."

"Right," Arthur scrunched his brow, not really sure it would work but he decided to at least try. "Hermione?" He said into the crystal and then watched as it turned a vibrant blue.

"Arthur?" Hermione's voice answered seconds later. "You have to get away from the house. He's still in there."

Arthur was about to ask who she meant when the front door opened and a weird looking man came out, a giant snake at his heels.

"Merlin!" Arthur called out to the other man. "Is that...?" He stopped mid sentence when he saw Merlin's eyes shine gold and he looked at Arthur with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry, Arthur." Merlin said and the gold in his eyes shone brighter. "It's for the best."

"What are you talking about?" Arthur looked at him with wide eyes, not knowing what was happening when he saw Merlin's mouth move with silent words.

"Merlin?" Arthur searched his face for answers.

"Protect them." Merlin said and the next thing Arthur knew, he was hurled away in a whirlwind and he was standing in a forest, the trio surrounding him with raised wands.


"You're too late." Merlin turned away from the spot Arthur had disappeared from and watched as Tom stepped out through the gate, his wand raised.

Merlin hadn't wanted to send Arthur away but he needed to protect him. If he got killed or seriously injured now, he wouldn't be able to do what was needed later. He also told himself that someone needed to protect the trio.

"Who are you?" Tom hissed at him, his hand clenching his wand tighter.

"I'm Emrys." Merlin inclined his head, trying to agitate the man.

"Never heard that name before." Tom inclined his head as well, a curious look on his face.

"You wouldn't, would you?" Merlin sent a quick glance at the snake that was positioned around Tom's feet. "You've never been good at history after all." He smirked at the man.

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