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Tristian brightened when I opened my door, ready for dinner. I was wearing a dress that elegantly flowed behind me, real flowers were interwoven in the fabric. On my head sat my real tiara, silver with different metal flowers sticking out. 

He bowed low before me and I curtseyed, feeling idiotic. I tucked my hand in the crook of his arm and we walked to the banquet room. 

My parents were sitting next to each other, across from the Malum king and queen. Other people were eating around us, sitting at their own tables. People of the court with wealth and power. Important people, I guess. 

We stopped at the door, behind my brother and his betrothed. She was in a silver gown that seemed to bleed moonlight. I was pulled away from my thoughts as a trumpet sounded. I stiffened and waited. 

"Prince Edward, heir to the Northern Kingdom and spring court and Princess Alice, heir to the Southern Kingdom and winter court." Someone announced, their voice booming around the room. They walked in unison to the table. Edward pulled out her chair and pushed it back in for her, then sat down. 

"Prince Tristian, heir to the Southern Kingdom and winter court and Princess Raven, heir to the Northern Kingdom and spring court." The same person shouted. I started walking, Tristian matching my steps. He helped me sit down, then sat down across from me, next to his sister. 

My father and King Malum both stood. My breath caught in my chest. This was the biggest moment in history between our two kingdoms. They walked to each other and King Malum said, "King Ebony of the Northern Kingdom, do you agree to bring our courts together by the marriage of our heirs?" He asked, holding out his hand. 

My father shot me look, an apology, before saying, "Yes, King Malum of the Southern Kingdom, I accept the terms of our kingdoms joining together for the greater good." I almost snorted. Greater good. Yeah right. 

He took King Malum's hand and they shook. There it was, my future. Gone. With a handshake. They would sign the treaty after dinner, with a ball to celebrate after that. When they sat down, my father nodded to my brother. Edward stood up nervously and walked around to Alice. 

"Princess Alice," he began, sinking to one knee, "Will you accept this ring," he pulled out a white box and opened it, a glittery ring blinding me. "As a symbol of our marriage and loyalty to the throne?" 

Alice smiled sweetly and said in a wispy voice, "Of course, Prince Edward. I pledge my hand to our marriage, to the throne of our new kingdom." He slid the ring onto her delicate finger and kissed her hand before returning to his seat. 

I dreaded what was going to happen next. 

Tristian lowered to one knee, bowing before me. He pulled out a black box and opened it. I gasped a little at the ring. Black and red and silver lines intertwined, with a blood red gem in the center, two diamonds on the side of it. Beautiful. 

"Princess Raven, will you accept this ring as a symbol of our marriage and loyalty to the throne?" He asked me, looking into my eyes with his ice blue ones. My eyes flicked away and found another pair of eyes. Peter, standing against the far wall. My heart broke a little as the words forced themselves out of my mouth. 

"Yes, Prince Tristian," I took a deep breath. "I pledge my hand to our marriage and to the throne of our new kingdom." He kissed my hand, slipped the beautiful ring on it and sat back down. I looked again at Peter, who wasn't even angry at me, at anyone. 

He was heartbroken. 

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