Chapter 45 - "I would actually say dictionaries."

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"Just kill me now," Elliot moaned into her folded arms.

"Alright," Cece said, "but I think it might be bad for the grass.

They both sat in white folding chairs. Around them neat rows had been setup on the lawn and white ribbons hung between the chairs lining the center aisle. At the end stood a white archway that was decorated with ivy and petite flowers. The ocean lay stretched out beyond the lawn, the waves forming and crashing against the sand. The bridal party moved about aimlessly while the wedding coordinator, in very high heels, talked to Michelle.

"How long have we been waiting out here?" Elliot asked, turning her head towards Cece.

"Four days."

"You sure it hasn't been an eternity? Because I've lived through a couple of those and this one feels like that." She straightened, her eyes going wide. "Oh dear me, we've found hell."

Cece shook her head, looking thoughtful.

"I don't think so," she said. "They don't serve champagne in hell."

"Of course you're right." She nodded. "It would never be chilled."

She sank back into the chair and crossed her arms. The evening breeze off the water was cool and trailed with it the scent of salt. The sun was close to the edge of the world, ready to fall off. Seagulls flew overheard, looking down on the wedding rehearsal and mocking human ways.

"I'm really regretting my decision of never becoming a drunk," Elliot said.

"Why? Because you would be drunk right now and life would seem so much better?"

"No, they would have been so ashamed of me they never would have invited me."

"Is it too late try this plan out?" Cece asked.

"Yes. I thought because we became writers that would have been sufficient enough."

"If we had failed maybe. Too bad we succeeded."

"Why did we do that again?"

"I think it's called ambition."

"If that's so maybe I should take up begging as a career choice," Elliot said.

"You're too pretty, people wouldn't believe you were a beggar."

Elliot looked at her.

"What would they think when they saw me walking the street then?"

"Door to door saleswoman?"

"Right. Cosmetics, most likely."

"I would actually say dictionaries."

"Do people still sell those?"

"You do apparently."

The wedding coordinator stepped into the aisle and waved her hands. This gained no one's attention, but managed to amuse Elliot and Cece.

"Bridesmaids and groomsmen, can I please get your attention?" The wedding coordinator called.

"Finally," Elliot breathed.

The chattering groups turned towards the woman while Cece and Elliot remained in their seats, staring at the tight skirted woman.

"Thank you," the woman said. "I'm Stacy, and I'm the wedding coordinator. We're going to do a run through of the wedding now. Please step forward and I will pair you up."

Elliot and Cece stood, joining the pack that moved towards Stacy. Slowly, they were paired together. When that was complete they were given directions on how to walk and where to stand. At the end of her rehearsed speech, Stacy clapped her hands.

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