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After we finish truth or dare we decide to go to bed. Everyone was sleeping but I couldn't. I get out of the bed and walk over everyone. I go to the window. Ivan see Lizzie outside with some other people. I walk out the door and go up to them. I get my powers ready just just case. "Hey Lizzie who are they?" I ask.
"Oh Shelby why aren't you asleep?" She asks.
"I can't sleep I am go if you want."
"No it's ok this is Graser, Will, and Liam." (I'm sorry I had to) "can you make sure Max and Cory don't kill them please?" She asks.
"Yeah sure where are they going to stay?"
"Yeah I was going to ask that." Graser says.
"Um we can handle that later."
"Hey what powers do you guys have?" I ask.
"Ice." Will says in a British accent.
"Poison." Graser says.
"Metal." Liam says.
"Oh cool I'm light. And just so you know there are three people who are very over protective of me so beware."
"Ok cool where do we go Lizzie?" Liam asks.
"Um are you tired?" She asks.
"No not really." They all say.
"Hey Lizzie I'm gonna go back I need sleep see you all later." I say walking back.
"Ok bye." I hear them say. When I get back to my bed I fall asleep.
That Shelby girl is kinda cute. But if I know life there are probably many people crushing on her. "You guys want to train?" Lizzie asks.
"Um sure." I say.
"Ok first let's see if you can make ice come from the ground. So just imagine pulling out of the ground." I do what she says and there is a bunch of ice spikes around me.
"How do I get out!?"
"Just jump." She says. I do so and it's like I have super jump.
Time skip-
I wake up to see no one but Jess awake. "Let's jump on them." I say. She nods and we jump on top of everyone. We walk out and max and Cory see graser, will, and Liam. Cory shoots at them and I use my speed to run in front of the shot. I get hit and fall to the ground. "They are good Cory see what I do for others." I say getting up.
"Wow how did you do that?" Liam asks.
"I can heal and so can Jess so I'm assuming she healed me from a far.
"Shelby why did you run in front of my shot?" Cory asks.
"Because now i can do this." I shoot at him a little. "Ha payback." I say healing him.
"Anyways guys this is graser who has the power of poison Liam who has the power of metal and will with the power of ice."
"How do you know this?" Adam asks.
"Well you know with max and Cory snoring I can't sleep and I met them last night."
"HEY I DONT SNORE!" Exclaims max.
"Yeah that's like saying Jess doesn't ship."
"Whatever bootius." He says.
"I heard that butt butt butt butt."
"Anyways which one of you is dating who? I'm just saying it looks like we have some realationships." Will asks. I blush and so does everyone else.
"Red and Barney dating. Everyone else just crushing." I say still blushing.
"Haha ok when do we eat and get our rooms?" Graser asks turning to Lizzie.
"We can eat now and then Shelby can show you guys around while everyone else trains since she is the most trained." Lizzie says.
"Ok!" I chirp.
"MY EARS!" Max yelps. I punch him in the arm and we all go to the kitchen.
"Megan what do you want?" Ross asks me.
"That's not my name runk. And waffles."
"K." When we finish eating max and Cory pull me aside.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"Don't let them make the moves on you and watch out for nick." Cory says.
"I can handle myself." I walk away from them and I can hear them growling behind me. I giggle. I get the 3 boys and show them around. "Ok so here we have mine and Cory's room."
"You guys share a room?" Will asks.
"Yeah Lizzie made us cause of our powers."
"Here we have the mithross room."
"What's that?"
"Me and Jess ship people sometimes but this is Ross and Max's room. This is Barney and reds and then finally Adam and Jess's." I say pointing to the rooms.
"Cool where do we stay?" Liam asks.
"Idk let's go ask Lizzie she is in here." I say walking into mine and Cory's battle field. I see Cory using his powers and I run up to him and kick him in the back of the knee. He falls over.
"Hey not fair I was focusing." He grabs my leg and pulls me down. I get up and run over to Lizzie.
"Hey where do they stay?"
"Make a room."
"I can do that?"
"Yeah focus and you'll be able to make a room."
"How many secrets are you keeping from me?"
"Many everyone has more powers but go make that room and show them the magic closets cause I'm assuming they don't know about those."
"Ok will do thx Lizzie." I walk back to them and Cory is glaring at them. "Jealous much you and max. I got this I'm older than you." I walk out leaving Cory shocked.
"So what's going on?" Graser asks.
"I'm going to make your room."
"No I mean with crushes and stuff?" He says.
"Oh its very confusing not even I know all of it. But I know that I like Max and Cory and they like me back and Jess and Adam like each other and Barney and red are dating. Not sure about Ross though and he is my cousin."
"Oh ok."
"Don't worry you guys will probably be added at some point."

I had to add them. It just had to happen. Anyways yeah hope you like this. See ya next time my little corn dogs!

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