Chapter XIX

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(A/N a lot of pieces of this chapters are written by J.K Rowling only slightly changed by me. So I DO NOT OWN IT)

Like I had expected, I totally screwed up my History of Magic O.W.L and was likely to receive Troll, but I guess it could have been worse. Actually it couldn’t as Troll is the lowest score… Charms went really well as did, Muggle studies and Astronomy the night before. I was now in the great hall finishing of my DADA. Hehe, I like the word DADA it sounds like something a baby says. Dada, dada, dada. Some questions were quite easy and I was finished five minutes before time. To make it pretty I drew a smiley face at the bottom of the paper. When I was finished I looked up to see James turning around to look at Sirius. He gave him thumbs up. Sirius, who was hanging back in his chair tilting it so that it was only on two legs, smiled back before turning to me and winking. He  didn’t seem to notice the Hufflepuff girl who was sitting a few seats away from him and was eying him hopefully. I smiled back at him.

‘Quills down, please!’ Professor Flitwick squeaked. 'That means you too, Stebbins! Please remain seated while I collect your parchment! Accio!'

Over a hundred rolls of parchment zoomed into the air and into Professor Flitwick's outstretched arms, knocking him backwards off his feet. I laughed softly, as did a few others. A couple of students at the front desks got up, took hold of Professor Flitwick beneath the elbows and lifted him back on to his feet.

'Thank you ... thank you,' panted Professor Flitwick. 'Very well, everybody, you're free to go!'

I stuffed my quill in my bag and stood up. I joined Sirius, James, Peter and Remus before going outside.

'Did you like question ten, Moony?' asked Sirius as we emerged into the Entrance Hall.

‘Loved it, said Remus briskly. 'Give five signs that identify the werewolf. Excellent question.'

'D'you think you managed to get all the signs?' said James in tones of mock concern.

'Think I did,' said Remus seriously, as they joined the crowd thronging around the front doors eager to get out into the sunlit grounds. Hahahaha REMUS IS SERIOUS! I should seriously stop saying that every time. Starting…. NOW! 'One: he's sitting on my chair. Two: he's wearing my clothes. Three: his name's Remus Lupin.'

Peter was the only one who didn't laugh.

'I got the snout shape, the pupils of the eyes and the tufted tail,' he said anxiously, 'but I couldn't think what else--'

'How thick are you, Wormtail?' said James impatiently. 'You run round with a werewolf once a month--'

'Keep your voice down,' implored Remus.

I skipped down the lawn towards the lake, quietly humming a song.

'Well, I thought that paper was a piece of cake,' Sirius said. 'I'll be surprised if I don't get "Outstanding" on it at least.'

'Me too,' said James.

‘You two are so incredibly full of yourself!’ I exclaimed.

‘How did yours go then?’

‘… Brilliant.’ I admitted.



James put his hand in his pocket and took out a struggling Golden Snitch.

'Where'd you get that?' Sirius asked him.

'Nicked it,' said James casually. He started playing with the Snitch, allowing it to fly as much as a foot away before seizing it again. Peter watched him in awe. Kiss up.

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